If three thousand got saved in one day, under the preaching of one man, preaching but one sermon (and that with no media props), how many do you think were present in total, and where were they all.We agree. The Church is One Church & One Body with many members (preaching stations) around the world & throughout the ages. The Church at Jerusalem was a massive organism that did not meet together as one local body. It was divided into many smaller groups that met when & where they could for teaching & mutual edification. The Church at Jerusalem was a spiritual body comprised of thousands of believing souls that was spread over an entire city. Thanks for that great description of the universal Church.![]()
I will answer that for you. It was the Day of Pentecost. There were people that had come from approximately 13 different nations. There may have been in excess of 100,000 people gathered or assembled in one place together that day. The meeting place was the Temple. It was large enough to accommodate such a crowd. There the first local church at Jerusalem started, and there it continued until the Jews would no longer tolerate them.