You say. Everything I preach is from the mouth of Jesus and his Apostles. Get behind me, accuser. And yes I know Acts. Nor do I deify the scriptures or follow the Catholic Church's deification of any particular scripture. There is TRUTH, and then there is everything else. Anything that's TRUE, is of God (and John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, I DO trust!)
What part of the comparison to Balaam that Jesus made about Paul, didn't you understand? He started with the right spirit after his "conversion on the road," but fell away and began teaching Israel to violate the perpetual statutes of Yahweh. Paul even admits that he is teaching a different Gospel, and that he is comfortable with lying, and that he doesn't care about and locks Christ's Apostles who actually KNEW HIM, and that they cast him out from among them, and you sheep still follow him!