And yet, when there's prolific posting of anti-Romney stuff in support of Obama, where are you?
Because just like y'all got the pro-Romney stuff down, you got the anti-Obama stuff down too. So there's not much need for me to chime in in that regard. Y'all do a really good job of shutting down most of that stuff. I actually use a lot of the points y'all make against him on this other private board I'm on that is full of Democrats.
And like I said, when it comes to politics, there doesn't seem to be much difference between folks when it comes to defending their candidate of choice. Y'all get about as ugly as they do.
If Obama's re-elected, what can we expect to see from you?
The same thing that I've always done: preach the word. Obama's re-election won't affect that anymore than his election affected it.
Will you join ranks with those that want him to stop federal abortion support, and federal homosexual support, and the oh-so-many other things that are anti-biblical? Or will you just disappear, since the mormon was defeated?
Again, you're speaking as someone who doesn't really know me. If you could experience the times I've been cussed out over Barry Obama on other boards because I rail against his wickedness morally and will not let them catch their breath to make out like his economic policy stupidity is a good thing, you'd QUICKLY change your tune.:laugh:
As I tell them, Barry could be running against himself, and he couldn't have my vote for dog catcher in that moral cesspool of Chicago that unleashed him on the world.