I remember the late Fulton Sheen. I must concur. Didn't agree with everything, but overall, he was great at delivering Gospel-centered messages that drive straight to the heart.
I love D James Kennedy. Though he is frequently guilty of revisionist history from the pulpit, his spiritual message is inspiring and insightful.
I don't get Falwell here (youd think the greater Los Angeles area wiuld be a financially worthwhile market), but remember his Old Time Gospel Hour from years past. I agreed with him on some things, but disagreed with im on others. On the whole, he was great.
There's a local pastor named Dr Jim Reeve who is dynamic and awesome, who's on here every Saturday morning. Has anone else seen him?
There are two other people who I think are very good in certain areas, but other people on the board don't like these folks, so they will remain nameless. Heck, you can't say "I like Billy Graham" here without getting your salvation judged. (you can im me is you want to know)
I no longer watch Hal Lindsey. He's gone from being an incorrect predicter of the end times to a carbon copy of Jack Van Impe, imo. Not that he's an evil guy or anything, he's just not my cup o'tea. If you get something out of him, then more power to ya