Calvinism can be defined every which way, so lets define it as believing in at least 4 of the 5 points of the Tulip,
Total Spiritual Inability, fallen men are unable to seek God and trust in Christ.
John 6
Unconditional Election, God chose foreseen individuals before the foundation of the world, for salvation, for His purpose, but not through any aspect found in the foreseen individual such as faith.
Romans 8 & Ephesians 1
Limited Atonement, Christ died only for the Elect, referring to the supposed foreseen individuals chosen before the foundation of the world.
John 10 & John 17 Romans 8, Ephesians 1 & Revelation 17
Irresistible Grace, Fallen people, being unable to seek God or trust in Christ, are altered, enabled, so that they willingly and irresistible come to saving faith in Christ, and this quickening, this alteration is by "irresistible grace."
John 3 & John 6
Perseverance of the Saints, says once a person is saved, then He is kept by God and will continue in the faith until he physically dies. Those that depart from us were never of us, i.e. never actually saved.
Now Jeremy, what would you like to discuss?