I couldn't get the AiG contact form to work so I sent the letter (see my last post) to AiG on 7 March via an email contact who forwarded it to the right place for me. I received this reply from AiG's Answers Department on 11 March:
Thank you for contacting Answers in Genesis Ministries. First off, I want to encourage you to see the “big picture” regarding the nature of evidence. First of all, we have historical versus operational science. Historical science deals with trying to determine things about the past while operational science involves actual experimentation, testing hypothesis etcetera. Since our “young earth evidences” are a matter of historical science, the real matter is one of interpretation of the evidence. Please review these three articles first:
<Creation: Where’s the proof?>
<Searching for the ‘magic bullet’>
<A young earth—it’s not the issue!>
Ultimately, the second point I need to make to you is the nature of online discussion forums and even online articles. This is our “standard response” for discussion boards, but see more comments below:
Answers in Genesis occasionally gets correspondence to request our assistance with or participation in an “online discussion forum.” Many times this request comes because someone has made accusations against AiG in the forum or when an individual has brought up a particular point that appears to need a refutation or assistance. AiG does not participate in such arenas for various reasons. Some suggestions for those involved in debate boards are:
1) Check every fact, statement, or interpretation of the facts. It may be helpful to review these introductory articles.
<Creation: Where’s the proof?>
<Searching for the ‘magic bullet’>
If it’s a Christian discussion forum and the age of the earth comes up, start with the assumption of biblical authority:
<A young earth—it’s not the issue!>
2) Do not trust “scientific refutations” of AiG material that appear to be well constructed. Check every fact, assumption as well as logic. Challenge topics such as this for their peer reviewed source. Remember, there is a difference between a fact and an interpretation of a fact.
3) Check
<Arguments creationists should NOT use> to make sure you are not using poor or outdated points.
4) Review a number of the
<Past Feedback Archives> for examples of how to respond to non-biblical postings.
5) Research topics you need help on by searching the AiG
<Q&A Topics>. Make sure, for example, that you don’t confuse
<mutations> and
<natural selection> which are biblical with molecules-to-man evolution.
These points being made, before AiG would response to online refutations of statements we have made, we would have to see them posted in a peer reviewed forum such as our TJ. The peer review process is one that prevents rampant speculation and unscientific claims from being made. At least one of the articles you are referencing comes from TJ our peer reviewed source. If someone wants to take up the issue of refuting the peer reviewed TJ article they should submit their response to TJ (or other peer reviewed journal such as CRSQ) themselves. The author’s would be happy to respond to the claims if they are placed in the peer reviewed forum.
Ultimately, the accusation that “AiG research is poor scholarship and misrepresents the facts” is simply untrue. What our scholarship does do is present the interpretation of the facts that starts with the axiom that the Bible is God’s authoritative Word. I pray that this information is helpful to you. God bless!