When used appropriately, that is not a problem. Do you not cite in your work the work of others? I don't know any higher educational institution training that does not emphasize this as both right and proper.
For you to attempt to disparage it is not showing a credit to your own education.
Well nice of you to ask a question about my education, and then answer your own question about it. I used other sources as a baby Christian, but when I grew up I studied the Bible almost exclusively. If you are admitting you are a still a baby Christian then I'll excuse the citations of the creeds virtually everytime there's a debate about the Bible. I wasn't aware that those creeds were such a crutch.
When I began responding to this thread, I used the Bible, not some creed. It's a shame that professed believers can't do the same.
Going strictly from memory, I do tend to think your view was soundly refuted. But, then at my age, I don't put much stock in my memory. However, let's go on to the rest of the post.
I wouldn't expect someone defending their error to admit to anything else than their own position.
James, I am writing to you as one who I take to be educated.
You have taken "determine" and attempted to refute Scriptures.
What God declares will happen, happens in spite and despite any human effort to the contrary. All first year Bible students know that principle.
What God decrees will happen, happens in spite and despite any human effort to the contrary. All first year Bible students know that principle.
Attempts at presenting "deterministic" thinking in this post is unwarranted because the poster's view is "deterministically" biased.
THAT is an accurate use of the word determine. Such a word is not accurate in the way YOU determine to position the word.
Once again, failing to deal with the BIBLE and resorting to rationalizing outside of it.
It's a good thing God does know everything because claiming that "ANY first year Bible student knows" is a statistical anomaly that you offered no evidence for. Not every Bible college in the world is Calvinist. I would have to say the majority are NON Calvinist, so I can assume, though I could be wrong, that MOST first year Bible students would disagree.
Determinism has not only been defined accurately to this debate, but applied correctly, you simply choose to call it something else because it sounds less ominous to your theology. You repeatedly make statements like, "show me in the confession where God is the author of sin?" without realizing or simply refusing to admit that it doesn't have to be stated as a premise to have that result. When you say that God decrees all things, and that all things happen because He decreed them, and that there is no choice in whether those things occur or not, and they occur because God knew they would occur, you are in fact ARGUING FROM DETERMINISM. You have never denied that God doesn't cause all things when it's convenient for your theology. You only deny it when it conflicts with God being the author of evil, but then go right back to it when attempting to prove God's decrees over man's will anywhere else. That is patently dishonest and inconsistent.
Furthermore, you didn't deal with one single verse that was raised.
Oops, you changed words!!!!
You used DECREE which is Scriptural, and then tried to make it fit the word "determine."
Perhaps, it is intentional, perhaps not.
The Westminster Confession itself says this, and then blatantly contradicts itself by attempting to preempt the logical conclusion of it's statement on God's decree:
1646 Confession:
"God hath
decreed in himself, from all eternity, by the most wise and holy counsel of his own will, freely and unchangeably,
all things,
whatsoever comes to pass"
John Calvin wrote, "
All things being at God’s disposal, and the decision of salvation or death belonging to him, he orders
all things by his counsel and decree in such a manner, that some men are born devoted from the womb to certain death, that his name may be glorified in their destruction."
Augustine wrote "we shall exercise our wills in the future because He has foreknowledge that we shall do so."
The Confessions are taken directly from the writings of John Calvin and Augustine (which is why it's called Calvinism, duh!), and is CLEARLY determinsim.
Just because the Confession writes a preemptive statement "as such that God is not the author of sin", doesn't mean that such is not the RESULT of the Calvinist view of "decrees". Why would they think to place that there in the first place? BECAUSE THEY KNEW WHAT IT IMPLIED. Yet instead of being honest with the Scriptures, they merely threw in a preemptive statement to settle the contradiction. This is why Calvinists always talk from both sides of the mouth when dealing with decrees and determinism because THEIR CONFESSION DOES IT! One minute the Calvinist argues that "man can not have free will because GOD DETERMINES ALL THINGS". But then when faced with the logical implications of God determining all things claim, "The Westminster Confession clearly denies that God is the author of sin".
As Van would say, "Shuck and Jive, Baby, Shuck and Jive".
Some folks just can't have a gentlemanly conversation without "resorting" to labels and myth.
Some folks can't have a conversation without playing Pee Wee Herman games of "I know you are, but what am I?" Calvinism itself is a religion FULL of labels, HELLO...:wavey:
Jumping on the bandwagon that has broken down is not the way to fix the problem of the wagon.
If you are going to refute a view, than speak to that view and the errors.
You mean agree with YOU. Gotcha. I can't argue against errors if I don't have your permission to call them errors first. I'll say please next time.
Quite trying to bolster your argument by demeaning and implications that have no place.
You mean like "God decrees WHATSOEVER COMES TO PASS"
But is "not the author of sin".
For example: IF I took the above quote and replaced "calvinist" with "all non-calvinists" would it be supportive of what I was attempting to communicate, OR would it merely be an attempt to inflame emotions and garner and "amen choir?"
If you can show me where non Calvinist on this board always resort to creeds as an authority sure, replace away.
I have encouraged you to leave off all this labeling and bickering such as this last paragraph.
Well aren't you just so pious and helpful.
James, it really is beneath your educational level.
Argue your point; make Scriptures your focus; link to any documents you consider important for the reader to gather more understanding.
Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person.
To often some of the BB folks apply so much seasoning that it ruins the tasteful offering they desire to present.
It amazes me that you are so blind to your own hypocrisy. I have not attacked anyone's education level, their intelligence, or their character. I have attacked the DOCTRINES and that fact that when Bible verses are raised that conflict with someone's theology, they won't address the Scriptures head on.
I "made Scriptures" my point, and you didn't address ANY of them. You even quoted them in your response and danced around them instead of addressing them, and then have the nerve to say "make the scriptures your point". What part of 1 Cor 14:33, James 1:13, Jeremiah 32:35, and 1 Samuel 23:11-14 isn't Scripture?
Then you patronize me by saying "let your words be seasoned with salt" and then say " it is really beneath your education level" "some folks can't have a gentlemanly conversation", "jumping on the bandwagon". Really?
You should be a politician.