Then why did you say this on that very thread:
"First, this is not a thread designed to attack Calvinism, although it will."
*sigh* What he really meant to convey was something more akin to this:
"This is not a thread designed to attack Calvinism, but I do recognize that the implications involved will create a harsh criticism of the necessary logical consequences of Calvinist thinking (or at least the perceived logical consequences of Calvinist thinking)."
You knew from the minute you posted the thread that there was nothing godly, pure or spiritual about it.
Actually, there COULD have been some beneficial discourse in the thread. It COULD have been a teachable moment as far as how to rightly understand and interpret the teachings of history. The thread COULD have been left open long enough for us to learn how to rightly APPLY socio-historical knowledge.
Specifically, there is the basic knowledge of History which is little more than a regurgitation of what occurred <---not particularly applicable and helpful..
But there is also the marriage of understanding the socio-historical context of "WHY" certain things have occured and what the prevailing world-views and ideologies extant in that particular period were, and how they might have contributed to the occurences themselves.
That is how history is properly applied.
Parrallel with historical occurence is also the history of thought....and it is a legitimate discussion.
Stop lying to yourself. You hate Calvinists and Calvinism so much that you will stop at nothing and stoop to such low levels as comparing Nazis to Calvinists to try to make your pitiful point.
That wasn't what was in his heart I believe. Win (IMO) is missapplying historical facts...If he looks more closely, he would put NO faith in Goerring's defense of his own atrocities and merely understand that Goerring was looking for convenient excuses...(for example). That is where he errs in understanding how to rightly apply history.
While I am an amateur lover of history and the history of thought, I disagree with his premise. I believe that his understanding of the history of thought is mistaken and that it is demonstrable that the logical consequences of Calvinism are absolutely
NOT to be blamed for the attrocities he mentions....but, I will probably not be given the opportunity (as an Arminian) to defend the historical innocence of Calvinism in those attrocities even though I would like to. The Naziism is solely to be placed in the logical consequences of Darwinism...not Calvinism.
This is because our society is so easily offended and weak, that reasonable discussion of such matters is not to be entertained.
*SIGH*...........We live in a weak age wherein we care more about the "feelings" of the un-teachable than the possiblility of truth.
Any discussion (real discussion) of such matters will be imediately closed down by the mods...
But, honestly, you misunderstand Win's intent....he ISN'T merely looking for a cheap "DIG" at Calvinism...he honestly
believes the links he posted have merit....but no discussion of that will be possible, not to worry. Mods will shut it down.