I tried a different approach
I will try different approaches sometimes in my letters to the false teachers. There are as many of them as Rabbits in this area so I have plenty of letters to send.
Dear xxxxx,
In my Christian journey some of my most closely held beliefs have been challenged. After examining the issues, I came away with a different perspective on some things. One of these things was teetotalism, the belief that one drink from an alcoholic beverage is a sin, and that all Christians should completely abstain from alcohol. It was God that changed my mind on this issue part of which required some serious Bible study and reading books from those that disagreed with my preconceived views. I'm trying to learn new things. I've noticed from your website that you don't preach on sin nor repentance. These are important issues and are mentioned quite frequently in the Bible. I'm wondering why you don't preach on these things?
I have included some gospel tracts that outline the Biblical message and I am eager to hear your thoughts, and for you to get back in touch with me. I have included my phone number above, or you may send me a letter in the mail. Thank you.