Every Republican senator who voted against raising the minimum wage are scheduled to receive a $2,800.00 raise in January if they are still in office. What are the chances they will vote to forgo the raise?
I think all of those men and women, comfortably seated in the HOuse and Senate, are not in touch with the constituents who put them there. This is one my example of a county without leadership!
Oh, and CtB, you must not forget, that your man in the WH is also getting raises, taking expensive vacations and trips to raise money for the DNC, and this during a time when we are supposed to be conserving fuel; and cutting down on ait pollutions!
The entire group is hypocritical, but then again, so were the Romans. No one cares for the little man, the tax paying citizen, other than how they can squeeze another penny, nickle or dime from their pocket, while they linger away in the plush decor of their offices far away from reality! :tonofbricks: