I'm not desiring his harm in prison - even though that is a possible and unfortunate event. I pray for his soul and the children who suffered these things AND for the men/women in homeland security who have to look at these videos and images as part of their catching criminals.
My concern is his seven children - sis of them the same ages of the children he has video and pictures of. 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, and a newborn.
Odds are, he is never going to be a part of their lives. These children will need a strong male influence who can guide them through this and teach them the way to live and help them later when they begin to understand all of this.
I know of MANY strong women who do this alone. But Anna, his wife, doesn't appeart the type. She appears to be in 110% denial and she appears to be a milquetoast and weak type of person. I could be wrong. I've never met her.
I still am undecided if divorce is warranted, but I am convinced that never seeing him again is a necessity for Anna and for the children.