Our inability to comprehend and always make God a rationalistic being is to agree with the rationalists and make God into something he is not. He is beyond rationalism, understanding and comprehension. He is infinite and rationalism is finite. Words cannot do justice to who God is and His infinite magnitude.
Our inability to comprehend and always make God rational is NOT to make God something that He is not.
God is NEVER irrational. Our ability to use reason or to rationalize a circumstance or even some level of comprehension has no bearing upon God.
We are both in agreement.
That is to say God is always active. Many times God is passive.
I would disagree. God cannot be passive. It is not in the character of God to be passive in the meaning of merely allowing others or something to do whatever and God being unresponsive and uncaring.
Even if the effect of the justice and judgement occur as natural results because a person is rebuked by some cause in a violation of the commandments, does not indicate a benign or passive God.
Mercy does not negate truth, and righteousness does not prevent peace.
In the Revelations, one can read about the last judgement and folks being judged according to the thoughts and deeds of the flesh. If it all is written down in the books, then that verse in itself indicates God is not passive and merely letting whatever occur without notice or care.
I would not say that is an excuse for us to be stupid and not use wisdom when we talk with others. I would ask the question that when we lack wisdom is that limiting God through us?
The Scriptures teach that the Holy Spirit will guide the believer into all truth. (John 16).
If any lack wisdom they are to ask of God. (James 1)
Illustration about tool limitations:
In my toolboxes, I have many tools in which I can choose to use for the purpose I determine, irregardless of what the original intent of the manufacturer's design and purpose. The tools have no statement as to use or abuse, only reaction to the elements in which they are subjected.
We are much the same way. We do (unlike the tool) have some indicators of sentience but by in large only react to the elements in which we are subjected.
We have no right to argue or accuse God for our form or use. (Romans 9:21, Isaiah 64:8)
It is God's choosing and His wisdom.
Because he is BOTH the maker and the user, it is not in the believer to be capable of limiting God in any matter or in any form. Jesus did not weep over Jerusalem because He or God was limited, prevented, or in any way hindered.
Believers have wept for centuries, even cry out to God in heaven from under the altar, but God is not limited, prevented or in anyway hindered.
Deut. 18 has a real neat section on the prophets being selected, their mission and the rebuke of one who doesn't follow through or is presumptuous in regard to the office and mission.
In my opinion, the passage would address the ability of God to raise up (form and tool) a person, provide the wisdom, and demonstrate that God is definitively unlimited and unhindered throughout.