It really doesn’t matter one whit to the deceased. Respect for the body is a most basic need for the grieving. If there is no one grieving, it is a sad reflection of loss to humanity itself, such as using aborted babies as a commodity. How freaking sad is that? Think about the life that He created being snuffed before it’s first breath or smile. How could anyone even ask forgiveness for such a deed? The baby will be just fine, not so sure about those who facilitated it’s mortal death. I had a near death experience as a child, & I viewed my body as a whatever, I was still fine, happy, & myself. I just didn’t want to see my family so concerned & suffering. I always view that experience as a special gift I was given. There are many blessings given every day, we just need to recognize them, share them, & thank Him. Every day that we still breath.