Yes, and they are drowning people in steel cages. We know. We know.
So what is Donald going to do about it? Talk about it some more? Give concrete examples of what he would do.
Yeah, Yeah, and I know all about the DC - PC views about how to deal with ISIS. – problem begins with immigration policies they are making which are making us “losers” in many areas. Here is the important difference which begins with Trump pointing toward common sense about who we are letting into this country and what it is based on, not being PC but…specifically addresses the problems which are taking us down. What does he plan to do about it? Not let them in. Need I go into WHO has plans and has been speaking up to change the norm on this issue by building a wall and stopping infiltration through immigrant policies before we get what Europe is getting?
Trump addresses Bernie blaming the Paris crisis on global warming, …specifically calling out and addressing that kind of foolishness could probably be considered laying some ground work for new directions. What does he plan to do about it? Call a duck a duck and de-feather it for a start.
How about the nominal idea of taking the oil rather than saying that isn’t PC and letting Iran and ISIS use it instead??? Pretty specific policy change or not? Oh, my we wouldn’t want to ruffle PC feathers by taking the oil supplies of those who are at war with us!! Rolleyes Trump is bringing attention to ISIS primary sources of wealth and making commitments that aren’t exactly rocket science to STOPPING IT! – is yuuuge!
What does he plan to do about it? Simply take away the sources of their wealth! Specifically?? - Oil wells are not too hard to find and bomb the S&*! out of…concrete enough?
How about Trump’s plan of changing the banking system which finances ISIS? Nah, Trump doesn’t know anything about that sort of thing!
Trump draws attention to the need to address that we suddenly start attacking ISIS training sites after the Paris attacks – and SPECIFICALLY ask why didn’t we start doing this a year ago? You might ask what concrete plan that he has to do about that? Hmm, what about as soon as we know of them taking them out…not rocket science here either, just do it! – for a concrete change.
Concrete examples? How about speaking the plan and simple truth about what needs to be done in general and committing to actually getting it done!? – regardless of the PC police objections.? Sounds like a concrete plan to me.