Isn't it ironic that when the Clinton's left the WH, they took much with them and their staff vandalized some of the equipment left, but Bush didn't complain.
Isn't it ironic that when the Bushes left the WH, they and their staff left so much behind and took only that which belonged to them?
Isn't it ironic how snubbed Bush's entrance into the WH by the Clinton's and their staff yet their party applauded and the Reps didn't complain?
Isn't it ironic how thoughtful the Bush administration was in helping the new President Elect during the transition period prior to the inauguration, offering several invitations to the WH and conferring with the new President...... and no recognition for their extrordinary conduct by the winning party?
Isn't it ironic how much 'change' was talked about before the election and how many who make up the new cabinet are of the same old groups which have 'progressed' us to this current point?
Isn't it ironic, that although President Obama can show himself to be a gentleman of class and courteous bearing, those in his own party have shown little inclination for following his lead?
Isn't it ironic how quickly the media turns, now that their darling is elected and inaugerated, to publish petty criticism before the new pres has fulfilled his first day or so of office?
Isn't it ironic how many who stood against Bush on this board.... continue to do so and seem to have nothing positive to say, but expect those who opposed Obama's election, to bow down to them and worship their victor and accept all he proposed without controversy or concern?
Isn't it ironic that Christians who have the great common denominator of the blood and lordship of Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, still nurture the petty grievances incompassed in car nal differences which are only temporary and will one day be destroyed?