Well-Known Member
So they let sinners into heaven?I disagree. The “Throne of Glory” is in Heaven. Jesus had states in Matthew 25 that He shall come in the air, the Trumpets shall sound, the angels shall gather His elect and immediately follows the great Throne judgment. That is in Heaven
The passage you quoted says nothing of a throne upon the earth, nor is Jerusalem mentioned.
peace to you
The GWT has always existed. Moses saw it. David wrote about it. It will be seen at the 6th Seal.
The event of Judgment is still over a thousand years away at the least. Matthew 25 is not the GWT, because it says that the angels are on the earth, bringing people to Jerusalem to be judged. Sinners are not taken to heaven to be judged.
Matthew 25 never states they are physically dead. They are physically alive on the earth when judged.