I don't play down the virus. `I have a granddaughter aged 23 who was working in France till April as part of her university course. She has not been able to work for about 2 weeks. And because of the drugs she is on for her cancer, she is in the most vulnerable group. She is not allowed to leave her flat for 12 weeks. She has run out of money has been living on take away meals as she cannot get a delivery slot on the online supermarkets. I sent her some money as did my daughter. She said a kind gentleman collected her shopping today for her from Carrefour Drive. (The Drive after the name is what we call click and collect.) My daughter wanted to go and bring her back but because of the restrictions on driving in both England and France mean that she is unable to.
Just seen Mr Trump described as America's billionaire president.
Prince Charles has the virus, Boris Johnson has, our health minister has, as has the chief medical officer. Michel Barnier, the EU chief negociator for Brxit has. A 36 year old man who is training for the ministry and has preached at my church is seriously ill with it. He ahs a wife and three children, the youngest is only a few weeks old, Because of our age, my wife and I are considered in the most vulnerable group and have to self isolate for 12 weeks. My daughter lives next door and will get our shopping for us.
I hve an allotment at the end of our garden and can get out there and do some gardening. It is easy to isolate over there. Up to last weekend after a couple of months of heavy rain, it was too wet to work there. In the last week after sunny but cold and windy weather the soil hads gone rock hard. Still I have a small Mantis tiller,made in USA, but with a Honda engine to help me.
As a footnote, you can keep Megan and Harry.