I started following R. Moore during the presidential campaign. I would not call myself a "Never Trumper" but I was not impressed with Trump for many reasons. Ultimately, I did not vote for either major party candidate. That said, Donald Trump is my president and I do pray for him to lead this nation in a godly manner. I know that R. Moore did not hide his criticism of Donald Trump and was excoriated because of it. His harshest critics were so-called Christians. The manner in which they attacked R. Moore belayed their profession.
I found the link you cited rather humorous. Why would R. Moore represent this woman anyway? The man is not the pope. He does not represent anyone. In fact, when we start calling ourselves White Christians, Black Christians, Asian Christians, Hispanic Christians et. al., we are unwittingly advancing the racism narrative. I am not suggesting that Christians should ignore the very real struggles minorities encounter in a majority world. Kindness, consideration, and understanding towards others is a way of displaying the love of Christ. But after reading this woman's open letter, methinks the woman doth protest too much. What did R. Moore say or write that can actually be considered as racist?