Well-Known Member
I had been here before, so I needed to clarify that I am of the Baptist's faith; but not church nor denomination; & so I checked off Baptist faith this time. Since there are a variety of Baptist's churches where some insist water baptism is necessary for salvation, I'd rather go with the selection of faith because water baptism is not necessary for salvation, but it is an ordinance for believers to follow as His disciples.
I d not attend church locally because Promise Keepers infiltrated every church & no Baptist church stood up to preach against this apostate movement of men that made promises that only God can keep by faith in Jesus Christ for why they cannot run that race nor finish His work by the flesh. This is why I hesitate to represent any church when the scriptures tells us to represent Jesus Christ in testifying of Him in seeking His glory.
If I had filled out the form ( which seemed to reset itself? ) but not correctly; please inform me that was not what you meant & that I am no longer allowed to post in Baptists Only forums even if I believe I am more aligned with the Baptist's faith ( a church that did not come out with the Protestant movement away from the Catholic Church, but has been separated from the Catholic Church in history all along, at least as I understand it to be ). I believe the Lord Jesus Christ is always working in pruning saved believers so they can bear more fruit ( John 15:1-2 ) as we are to prove everything with the Lord Jesus Christ & to abstain from all appearances of evil while praying for one another per 1 Thessalonians 5:19-25
May God bless this forum in the knowledge of Him so that our love may abound more & more in being His disciple rather than a disciple of a church, because if the church is representing Him & not themselves ( 2 Corinthians 4:5-7 & John 3:28-30 ) , then every individual believer should be too.. It should never be seen as a slight towards the church if the saved believer is doing exactly what the church is supposed to be doing; testifying of the Son in seeking His glory for that is what a disciple of Jesus Christ does by His grace & His help.
Anyway, that is how I see the Baptist's faith as; a church; a body of believers that did not come out from the Catholic Church but had been separated from the Catholic Church thru history doctrinally & by faith in Christ.
I d not attend church locally because Promise Keepers infiltrated every church & no Baptist church stood up to preach against this apostate movement of men that made promises that only God can keep by faith in Jesus Christ for why they cannot run that race nor finish His work by the flesh. This is why I hesitate to represent any church when the scriptures tells us to represent Jesus Christ in testifying of Him in seeking His glory.
If I had filled out the form ( which seemed to reset itself? ) but not correctly; please inform me that was not what you meant & that I am no longer allowed to post in Baptists Only forums even if I believe I am more aligned with the Baptist's faith ( a church that did not come out with the Protestant movement away from the Catholic Church, but has been separated from the Catholic Church in history all along, at least as I understand it to be ). I believe the Lord Jesus Christ is always working in pruning saved believers so they can bear more fruit ( John 15:1-2 ) as we are to prove everything with the Lord Jesus Christ & to abstain from all appearances of evil while praying for one another per 1 Thessalonians 5:19-25
May God bless this forum in the knowledge of Him so that our love may abound more & more in being His disciple rather than a disciple of a church, because if the church is representing Him & not themselves ( 2 Corinthians 4:5-7 & John 3:28-30 ) , then every individual believer should be too.. It should never be seen as a slight towards the church if the saved believer is doing exactly what the church is supposed to be doing; testifying of the Son in seeking His glory for that is what a disciple of Jesus Christ does by His grace & His help.
Anyway, that is how I see the Baptist's faith as; a church; a body of believers that did not come out from the Catholic Church but had been separated from the Catholic Church thru history doctrinally & by faith in Christ.