This past Sunday, my pastor recited a quote about sin. I can't remember the author nor the exact quote, but it went something like this: "If God's only answer to sin was to send his only Son, holy and divine, to die a horrible and sickening death to SAVE us from sin - then sin must REALLY bad - worse than we understand!"
That, coupled with a particular thread on the BB, has my mind consumed with some thoughts I can't shake.
It's about Adam and Eve. I think - well, at least for me - that there is more to their sin than meets the eye. We all know there was deception, deliberate defiance, and the making of excuses.
But I think there is more.
I think - again, at least for me - I have to make a deeper application of their sin choices to increase the depth into which I look at my OWN sin and make changes in my life- DAILY dying to self, as Luke says.
I. DECEPTION - Eve was deceived because she listened to the devil - even got into a conversation with him. The apostle Paul said that sin deceived him - he said it twice in Romans.. He told the church at Corinth that they were falling into deception exactly like Eve. Jesus Christ said that the devil deceives all of us - men, women, boys, and girls.
Can you remember times that YOU have been deceived? The devil told you something was good for you and you fell for it and sinned? Maybe he told these things were good for you and you needed it and no one would know, so, why not? You'll benefit from it. [He's quite the liar - the Father of lies.]
II. DELIBERATE DEFIANCE - Adam just flat out disobeyed and in the moment, just didn't care about God's love for him nor his command. He turned his back on what he knew was right. How many times in the Old Testament did the Israelites just live in OUT RIGHT rebellion - KNOWING what they were doing was wrong and did not care.
The LAST THING God said to the children of Israel before Moses went back up mountain to get the stone tablets of the commandments that God had already given orally was "Do NOT make for yourself any gods of silver or gold!" And.....that's exactly what they DID do. A golden calf. They had just heard the 10 Commandments from God and now this final reminder. And they did it ANYWAY. In fact, he specifically said if they were going to build an altar to HIM, to make it of dirt. That's all in Exodus 20.
Both Ananias and Sapphira DELIBERATELY lied to Peter about their gifts to God. Just lied and KNEW it was wrong.
Can you think of times you just openly and deliberately defied the commands of God. Look at the same sins above? Have you ever sought after any of that KNOWING full well it would grieve the Holy Spirit, make your spiritual walk ineffectual, and harm yourself and others?
III. Making Excuses - Eve admitted being deceived and blamed the devil for it. Adam blamed God and Eve. The people of Israel blamed Moses - "We don't know where he is?" Aaron, who built the golden calf blamed the fire for "popping out" an idol.
Who are we blaming?
The Bible says twice that sin comes from our own evil desires. We can't point the finger at the devil and CERTAINLY not to God. and not to our weaknesses, but to our own evil cravings and desires.
We can be deceived - ergo, we need to stop LISTENING to the great lies. We can be deliberately disobedient - ergo we need to meditate, as David, on the commands of God. The kings of Israel were required to make their own personal copy of the law. Apparently they did not do that.
Our nation is going to hell in a handbasket. In part, it's the fault of God's people.
Too many Christians obeying the call of their own cravings rather than obeying God. And it shows.
I'm going to work on myself - maybe we all should.
That, coupled with a particular thread on the BB, has my mind consumed with some thoughts I can't shake.
It's about Adam and Eve. I think - well, at least for me - that there is more to their sin than meets the eye. We all know there was deception, deliberate defiance, and the making of excuses.
But I think there is more.
I think - again, at least for me - I have to make a deeper application of their sin choices to increase the depth into which I look at my OWN sin and make changes in my life- DAILY dying to self, as Luke says.
I. DECEPTION - Eve was deceived because she listened to the devil - even got into a conversation with him. The apostle Paul said that sin deceived him - he said it twice in Romans.. He told the church at Corinth that they were falling into deception exactly like Eve. Jesus Christ said that the devil deceives all of us - men, women, boys, and girls.
Can you remember times that YOU have been deceived? The devil told you something was good for you and you fell for it and sinned? Maybe he told these things were good for you and you needed it and no one would know, so, why not? You'll benefit from it. [He's quite the liar - the Father of lies.]
- porn, drug abuse, food/drink abuse, idleness, foolishness, adultery, watching things like Game of Thrones, reading thing like 50 Shades of Grey.
- lying to the boss about being sick, stealing from petty cash
- skipping out on daily prayer and Bible reading and fellowship with God and skipping out on church way too much
- ignoring the sick, orphans, widows, downtrodden, and poor [If you've ever done some serious study of the minor prophets, it will frighten you just how much God HATES neglect of these people!]
II. DELIBERATE DEFIANCE - Adam just flat out disobeyed and in the moment, just didn't care about God's love for him nor his command. He turned his back on what he knew was right. How many times in the Old Testament did the Israelites just live in OUT RIGHT rebellion - KNOWING what they were doing was wrong and did not care.
The LAST THING God said to the children of Israel before Moses went back up mountain to get the stone tablets of the commandments that God had already given orally was "Do NOT make for yourself any gods of silver or gold!" And.....that's exactly what they DID do. A golden calf. They had just heard the 10 Commandments from God and now this final reminder. And they did it ANYWAY. In fact, he specifically said if they were going to build an altar to HIM, to make it of dirt. That's all in Exodus 20.
Both Ananias and Sapphira DELIBERATELY lied to Peter about their gifts to God. Just lied and KNEW it was wrong.
Can you think of times you just openly and deliberately defied the commands of God. Look at the same sins above? Have you ever sought after any of that KNOWING full well it would grieve the Holy Spirit, make your spiritual walk ineffectual, and harm yourself and others?
III. Making Excuses - Eve admitted being deceived and blamed the devil for it. Adam blamed God and Eve. The people of Israel blamed Moses - "We don't know where he is?" Aaron, who built the golden calf blamed the fire for "popping out" an idol.
Who are we blaming?
- the church, other Christians?
- life's circumstances, disappointments, not having what we crave and thinking everyone has the "good life"?
The Bible says twice that sin comes from our own evil desires. We can't point the finger at the devil and CERTAINLY not to God. and not to our weaknesses, but to our own evil cravings and desires.
We can be deceived - ergo, we need to stop LISTENING to the great lies. We can be deliberately disobedient - ergo we need to meditate, as David, on the commands of God. The kings of Israel were required to make their own personal copy of the law. Apparently they did not do that.
Our nation is going to hell in a handbasket. In part, it's the fault of God's people.
Too many Christians obeying the call of their own cravings rather than obeying God. And it shows.
I'm going to work on myself - maybe we all should.