I've already declared that I'm not voting for Trump this November.
I'm not voting for Hillary either.
Then at best you are throwing away your vote. Although, it is pretty obvious around here your priority is not voting for Trump, which logically only leaves one alternative:
X = (Trump)
Y = (Hillary)
A, B, C = (NOTA)
X and Y are the only Logically Valid Choices which have a possibility of winning.
Either X or Y
If not X then Y
If not Y then X
A, B, or C is not X or Y. (Duh)
A, B, or C (NOTA) has no logically valid possibility of winning.
Therefore, A, B, or C are not logically valid "choices" with a possibility of winning. (True)
If A, B, or C are not valid choices for winning then it is not logical to claim them as a possibility for such. (True)
A non-valid choice can be valid choice. (False)
X or Y are winning possibilities that exist. (True)
A, B, or C are winning possibilities that exist. (False)
Somehow both, X or Y and A, B, or C can be valued as winning possibilities, - AKA #NeverTrump Logic. (False)
Only X or Y are logical possibilities. (True)
Choosing not X by choosing A, B, or C is the same as or equal to choosing not Y and therefore somehow is still a valid choice even without a possibility for winning, - more twisted #NeverTrump Logic. (False)
There are only two logical possibilities for winning that exist. (True)
Therefore, the only true possible choices for winning that exist are either X or Y,
Since you have declared your choice is not X (and you daily make that your priority to attempt to put down Trump), and it has been shown A, B, or C are not valid choices, then your only valid choice that by priority you are WILLING (by any logical means) to have left with a true possibility for winning is Y. (True)
You can abandon all logic about the only two possibilities of winning by declaring you have two choices and still go about choosing A, B, or C as if that has some sort of value toward choosing a winner. (False)
Premise: Some would justify having a non-valid choice as still having value as a choice by saying, “I am both, #NeverTrump and #NeverHillary”.
Your priorities can be equally both, not X and not Y (which both have the only true possibilities of winning) by choosing A, B, or C (which have no possibilities of winning) and this can be demonstrated by you as a true logical choice with actual value as such even after being logically demonstrated by me as a non-choice with no value toward winning. (False)