Ok, Trump's infraction bothers me. Better?
But not nearly as much as Obama bypassing Congress with his "Pen and a telephone". It bothers me that he issued 184 major rules during its first six years, and that there are 1500 more rules in the pipeline coming up.
That he has declared
548 million acres of land to be under Federal protection without consulting Congress. Or that he sends pallet loads of cash to Iran without bothering to check with anyone. And commits the US to international climate agreements on his own.
It bothers me that both Obama and Hillary want to leave the southern border open, and are pro-amnesty. And that Hillary has bragged that,
"I am delighted to be the Senator from Punjab as well as from New York", and wants to increase H1-B visas bringing in more foreign tech graduates, and putting American techies out of work.
It bothers me that Hillary, in a speech given in India says, ‘Outsourcing will continue. There is no way to legislate against reality. We are not in favor of putting up fences.’
So stick to the topic. Why does Trumps use of foundation funds for personal debt bother you?