Prove it
I know you are but what am I.
Another filthy accusation...You are quite shameful.
Prove it.
You think I care about having "credibility" among Calvinists? You've insulted me from day 1 on this forum, and I could care less what your misguided idiotic opinions are or your boilerplate responses. I could take you to a circus and make a fortune off of you by putting you next to a lemonade stand and posting 10 questions that I can predict the responses to. Every time you speak, you repeat the same crap, the same way, over and over again. Put some variety in your accusations.
My agenda is to get as many people away from Calvinism as I can before it eats the churches like a cankersore. I ADMIT MY AGENDA, do you have the guts to admit yours? I don't sugar coat my beliefs or my opinions. I don't cater to the believers with theologically correct language, and then go tell sinners something that I don't really believe.
I expect nothing less from you but blind loyalty to men and their man-made doctrines. I've watched that ARROGANT JERK slander Christian for years now. Go look at his Facebook page, who takes a picture of themselves in front of all the books they've written? White brags about all the debates he's won, brags about his scholarship is superior over those of his opponents, etc.. etc.. but of course, since you and most of your ilk on here have the same elitist attitude, I can see why you don't see it.
And give up the lies, you don't know James White any more than you know John Calvin. But there is somebody that DOES know him quite closely, and she's made quite a claim about being intimidated and harassed by her brother who won't even use her name when writing about her (calls her "Mrs Bonds") over her claims of sexual abuse.
The sad thing is I spend countless hours debating with and writing material against antifundamentalist groups that have turned to atheism, agnosticism, progressive Christianity, etc...primarily over the issue of sexual abuse (although there's several other complaints), and the fact is is that churches are too cowardice to address it head on. Attitudes like yours are what keeps those groups in business, and it's attitudes like that sometimes make me ashamed to be a Baptist. You high minded egotistical elitists spend so much time trying to exegete the Greek definition of a two letter preposition and winning debates on forums that it doesn't affect you one bit that some flesh and blood human being has cried out about being abused.
I don't care if his sister, or anyone else, is Catholic, Baptist, Pentabapticostal, Charismethodist or even an atheist, if someone says that their family sexual molested or raped them, they need to be heard, and a so-called Christian apologist and all of his fans that would rather attack her credibility then ask James White or any other preacher for an explanation-YOU PEOPLE MAKE ME SICK.
Hundreds of lawsuits and pending criminal cases of PREACHERS and DEACONS molesting little boys and girls, BAPTIST CHURCHES, and all you jerks care about is the reputation of your theologians.
Well I'm sorry, I care about the reputation of my SAVIOUR and if someone gets offended because I ask for an explanation about sexual abuse, then BE OFFENDED, and then go tell his sister and all the victims of Jack Schaap, Ernie Willis, David Hyles, all the SGM perverts, ET AL, that God WANTED them to get raped, it is predetermined.