You have been exposed everyone knows who you are and what you have done.
Another filthy accusation...You are quite shameful.
You disregard and trample upon truth after truth in a way the scripture describes as swine Mt7:6...
you disregard this;
Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses.
Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.
We see it and have rebuked your ungodly posts.
You think I care about having "credibility" among Calvinists?
You are to full of yourself to be spoken of here-
18 For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. 19 Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.
and here..... you fit the bill-
7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses,
so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as their's also was.
Your error has been manifest and the ungodliness boils over from post to post.
You've insulted me from day 1 on this forum
You showed yourself for what you are from day one...I just spotted it ahead of everyone else,and you have now been completely exposed.
and I could care less what your misguided idiotic opinions are or your boilerplate responses. I could take you to a circus and make a fortune off of you by putting you next to a lemonade stand and posting 10 questions that I can predict the responses to. Every time you speak, you repeat the same crap, the same way, over and over again. Put some variety in your accusations.
Not that we needed it but this imbecilic response speaks to your DR.HOOD:laugh:
My agenda is to get as many people away from Calvinism as I can before it eats the churches like a cankersore. I ADMIT MY AGENDA, do you have the guts to admit yours?
Yes I can.I spotted you and your agenda ,and your vileness has vindicated my observation. I am out in public all the time and can spot the false. , the cults, the accusers of the brethren....I saw you right from day 1...sometimes I wish I was wrong when this happens , but not in your case.
I called you on your "agenda" before it was fully manifest....but now all can see.
Yes I have an Agenda. I serve God daily to the best of my ability.I seek to be faithful to His word. in public i speak topeople every chance i get to present the claims of the gospel to those outside the kingdom.
I come in here to stay sharp, to learn from Godly persons...who are like minded and without an anti-cal jihad Agenda that you and team jihad display.
So when i see this 24/7 assault on God and Truth by ungodly posters, accusers of the brethren, weak minded persons who accuse, but cannot back up anything scripturally....I will address it head on as open rebuke is better than secret love.
Someone speaking as you needs to be exposed and rebuked and everyone with any Spiritual perception see's you and this group for what they are.
thankfully many have been forced to examine the scripture ,and your error is like the dark background that shows up the pearl of truth.
I don't sugar coat my beliefs or my opinions. I don't cater to the believers with theologically correct language, and then go tell sinners something that I don't really believe.
So what do you want a cookie or something? we tell sinners the truth all the time, but in reality you do not care.
I expect nothing less from you but blind loyalty to men and their man-made doctrines.
I am loyal to my friends and those who are true brothers in Christ.You do not show yourself to be either at this time:wavey:
I've watched that ARROGANT JERK slander Christian for years now.
Spoken from a gut -less coward such as yourself.....I am glad you feel that way and clearly are outside the realm of the truth.
since you and most of your ilk on here have the same elitist attitude, I can see why you don't see it.
I see your cowardice and inability to be honest without evil speaking...that is what a gutless person does....there are several others here....making little snide remarks, never back up anything.
And give up the lies, you don't know James White any more than you know John Calvin.
Satan is the accuser of the accuse me here ...WRONGLY.
My children know his and are in touch with them.They have gone out socially with them. I do know him as well as several other "Name Pastors" so to speak.We live 2700 miles apart, so no ..I am not hanging out and barbecuing with him every other weekend.
The friendship is more beneficial to me as I learn much from Him.
But as you are no friend to does not matter to you. Your lies and accusations just pile up.You believe what you want...I know what the truth is. The fellowship of Godly pastors and godly believers in obeying scripture ,keeps me aware when a counterfeit appears on the know what I mean ,don't you ACH? a counterfeit...LIKE YOU>
I have deleted the remainder of your filthy talebearing post as to not defile those who read this.