What false gospel?
The gospel of justification by faith w/o works that we aver?
Now, I know very little about Calvin and Augustine, as I have read very little of their works. Now, don't come at me with this talking about them, seeing they have gone to receive their reward upon the return of the Christ.
Now, we can see that we are justified by faith w/o works as the bible avows in Romans 3:28, 5:1, Galatians 2:16, 3:8, 3:24, just to name a few. Now, we can also read He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.[Romans 4:25] If the Christ rose from the dead for everyone as your side avers, then everyone is justified, and everyone justified is declared righteous before God and those who stand before God who have been declared righteous are saved. To proclaim an universal redemption, which the death, burial and resurrection accomplished(not universal in its scope, but for His ppl, His sheep, His elect), means a universal salvation.
But He, the Christ, rose for our, I.E. the believers, justification.