False, false and false.
Wherever you heard this, it isn't from the Bible. Perhaps a misguided monk or a note on a bubblegum wrapper, but never in the Bible.
I'm sure it was a monk. Lets see if we can reason Mary was a type of New Eve, more precisely she was an anti-type of Eve.
Eve was sinless before the fall and was seduced by the word of the serpent.
Mary was sinless and trusted the word of God
Hence the anti-type Eve is Mary.
Let's add another type, Mary is a type an Ark of the Covenant. The Covenant, written word of God was housed in an Ark. The New Covenant word of God, manna from heaven rested in the womb of Mary.
And another type, Mary is a type Ark built by Noah that carried 8 across the dark waters of a sinful world to the dry shores of salvation. Mary carried one across the dark waters of sin amassed in the world since Adam to the salvific shores of our justification in water and Holy Spirit Baptism.
It is Mary who ‘magnifies’ the Lord in here unique humility and desire to serve God. She is immaculately conceived, without sin, original sin or actual sin. It is through Mary that God acts to bring His Wisdom to life in the perfect flesh of man across the dark waters of sin in the Ark of Mary’s womb to the shores of our salvation.
Joe, it seems that the Bible may not be important to you when discussing Mary. However, the only information we have about Mary is in the Bible. Nowhere else can we look. So, to the Bible we must go.
Now, it is a 100% fact that what you state is never stated in the Bible. Therefore, you are speaking from a source outside of the Bible. A source that speaks, not by inspiration of God, but by speculation of man. If we are going to have any fruitful discussion we will confine ourselves to the primary source documents of the Bible and go nowhere else. Will you agree? If not, then a discussion on this issue is pointless.
Nor are planes trains and automobiles not stated in Scripture, but 100% fact, they are a reality. Mary has been honored as the Ever Virgin Mother of God from the first century. Its so stated in the Apostles Creed which has it roots in the Apostles. She is an absolute necessity to magnify the Lord which remains unknown to the world except through Mary.
Ebionism suggests Mary to a mere woman with original sin and an uncontrollable concupiscence and as such Jesus Christ was mere man. Jesus would have original sin predestine to become God like prophet neither being considered as a God or a man. Maybe we could believe Scripture better if Mary was the way every other woman was considered in the first century, sinful, lustful and ignorant with no more rights in the community than a child. This is the Mary of the Adoptionist who contends that Jesus Christ was merely the adopted Son of God. He was the ordinary human prodigy of Joseph and Mary but when He was baptized the Holy Spirit claimed his body. You might say a man possessed by a good spirit. Then there is Docetism which draws it name from the Greek
dokein which means “to seem”. Christ wasn’t real, that is he was merely a vision of a man thus Mary was nothing but background material, she wasn’t part of God’s plan - rather an obstacle for God to be ignored. He wasn’t really born in the same sense a real men are born, rather he simply appears and everybody assumes he was born. Docetism holds that His suffering on the cross was a phantasmal being, which is only the appearance of a man. Then there is the Arianism, the another Protestant faith in Jesus Christ. This is your Jesus Christ for sure. Arianist and smi-Arians nearly won the battle, however Mary kept getting in the way. Jesus was wholly devine and related to God as the son and had the nature man, sort of. His human nature was subservient to the divine nature and did not act. Rather it was always the divine nature that acted in Jesus Christ. His substance as such was divisible. The Arianist reduced the Word of God to a demigod with a beginning and end.
The Son is h
omoiousias according to the Arianist, the Son is of
similar essence as the Father opposed to the Catholic who holds the Son as
homoousias, that is to say the Son is of the
same essence as the Father. You see yourself predated by some 1700 years in the game of word play.
Nestorianism holds that the baby in Mary's womb had only one nature, divine nature. The logical extension of this heresy is that man is a hypostasis, but not the person without the individual characteristics. Thus Christ has no essence outside of the way the Apostles define His individual traits. Nestorianism then has the Person of Christ defined by the physical body. And the way the battle ensued over the mere title of the "
Theotokos" it became clear that without the Mother of God there could be no reality in the Divinity of Christ uniquely and inseparably joined to man would not be possible. Hence both Nestorianism quickly died away with Arianism falling shortly thereafter. If there is no mother of God, then there is no whole and complete union between the Divine God and His creation, man. All faith in Christ as described by Scriptures would eventually fall into worship of a mythical Christ.
It is Mary who gives us a window to this simple truth. Apollinarianism holds that the spoken
Word assumes the Body of Jesus Christ. Mary merely provides the flesh and the incubator for an automaton comprised of flesh. There is only one will in the Second Person of Christ for the Apollinarianist, the divine will. The Person of Jesus Christ is wholly divine, but only partly human, that is the flesh of a human without a will to animate the body and as such incomplete essence of the Second Person. Last here, but not the last the final Christological heresy is Monophysitism, Christ is a perfect man with a complete human nature ‘assumed’ by God. There is but one essence and one nature. Here too we seen the absence of Mary as a magnifier. The comparison between Monophsitism and Nestrianism is seen in two simple lines.
You need Mary to magnify the Lord