New member so thanks for having me!
I've been a believer in Jesus Christ a long time but never attended church. I was a go into your closet and pray alone kind of man. Lately I've had a urge for fellowship and my 3 year old daughter wanted to go to church. My family only has 1 vehicle and my wife had to be at work at 11 am so we were left home alone with no ride. There's a old old General Baptist church just a half mile from my rural Kentucky home so I decided we would just ride the old John deere tractor to church that morning. We pull up on that tractor and was greeted by laughter and smiles and I asked if they had some room for a couple sinners this morning lol. They invited us in and we had a great time. Afterwards the church was baptizing a autistic boy in the creek by the church and I volunteered to be baptized with him for I had never been baptized before. It was a great experience and I feel closer to god than ever. Of course riding home on the John Deere soaking wet wasn't real fun but I made it home :laugh:
Here we are parked at our first day of church. Just so happen revival is this week and we haven't missed a night yet. So far I have gathered that this church keeps the 2 greatest commandments very well. They love The Lord and they love their neighbors. They sure accepted me with open arms after riding up on a tractor and not knowing me from Adam. I don't know alot about denominations either but I know a good tree bears good fruit. The fruit is very good here
I've been a believer in Jesus Christ a long time but never attended church. I was a go into your closet and pray alone kind of man. Lately I've had a urge for fellowship and my 3 year old daughter wanted to go to church. My family only has 1 vehicle and my wife had to be at work at 11 am so we were left home alone with no ride. There's a old old General Baptist church just a half mile from my rural Kentucky home so I decided we would just ride the old John deere tractor to church that morning. We pull up on that tractor and was greeted by laughter and smiles and I asked if they had some room for a couple sinners this morning lol. They invited us in and we had a great time. Afterwards the church was baptizing a autistic boy in the creek by the church and I volunteered to be baptized with him for I had never been baptized before. It was a great experience and I feel closer to god than ever. Of course riding home on the John Deere soaking wet wasn't real fun but I made it home :laugh:
Here we are parked at our first day of church. Just so happen revival is this week and we haven't missed a night yet. So far I have gathered that this church keeps the 2 greatest commandments very well. They love The Lord and they love their neighbors. They sure accepted me with open arms after riding up on a tractor and not knowing me from Adam. I don't know alot about denominations either but I know a good tree bears good fruit. The fruit is very good here
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