Isn't that all you ever see? In your world every calvinist is an attack dog.
Only you can be the judge of all calvinist posts...![]()
Ooh, Ooh, me too, in my World too.
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Isn't that all you ever see? In your world every calvinist is an attack dog.
Only you can be the judge of all calvinist posts...![]()
I mean think about how many people sit in church and go just for the benefits that might be there but are not there because they really believe in Christ?
How many of these disciples were following Jesus for the benefits without trusting in him and repenting of their sins?
I think based on the context What Jesus is trying to make us see is that we need to respond positively to the Gospel and accept it, that we cannot hope to pretend to be followers of Jesus for the benefits because at some point, .
the Father is going to stop drawing us for salvation if we reject too many times
The disciples all left Jesus because God stopped drawing them to himself, that does not mean that they did not have the chance to believe.
Actually, from an objective standpoint, this passage does not support either Calvinism or Armenianism. It could simply be talking about the fact that one does not simply and arbitrarily choose to get saved, but rather that there must be conviction of the holy spirit in order for man to be saved.
It says nothing about the Father only giving it to a select few, but only that the Father had to give it for it to happen.
It also doesn't say that the Father giving it makes it happen. But only that the Father giving it makes it possible.
In verse 40 we read:
40. And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.
Who are those who see the Son and believe on Him? It can only be those who are given by God the Father to God the Son. Belief is the consequence of God giving one to Jesus Christ, not the cause.
Huge level of inference in that last statement.
Totally refuted by the fact that "they rejected God's purpose for themselves".
Not at all! Coming to Christ in John 6:37 as well as being given eternal life in John 17:2 is conditioned first upon being given to Christ by the Father. Jesus uses the FUTURE TENSE "shall come" and thus is the CONSEQUENCE of being given by the Father.
Second, the very act of coming is inclusive of faith and so one must first be given by the father in order to come as being given is the condition for coming and this is proven by the fact that "OF ALL" given NONE fail to come and NONE are lost that are given - Jn. 6:37,39.
Furthermore, none being lost "of all" that were given is not conditioned upon the obeidence of those being given but upon the obedience of Jesus Christ to this express will of the Father - Jn. 6:38-39. As it is this express will of the Father that Jesus came from heaven to secure by his own obedience as the Father makes Christ responsible for none being lost "of all' given.
John 6:65 does not say that! It says nothing about about what they failed to do but what the Father failed to do - "it" (coming to me) was not "given" unto them. There is not one syllable in this verse about what they failed to do but only what the Father did not do "unto" them. He never drew them as verse 65 is merely a repitition of verse 44.
Careful parsing and snipping - needed to support Calvinism.
John 6.
70 Jesus answered them, “Did I Myself not choose you, the twelve, and yet one of you is a devil?” 71 Now He meant Judas the son of Simon Iscariot, for he, one of the twelve, was going to betray Him.
Notice He did not say "did I myself not CHOOSE one of you to BE a devil". Rather "Did I not choose you, the twelve - AND YET one of you is a devil"
"He came to HIS OWN and HIS OWN received Him not" John 1
66 As a result of this many of His disciples withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore. 67 So Jesus said to the twelve, “You do not want to go away also, do you?” 68 Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. 69We have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God.
Peter did no say 'you have caused us to believe you'