that invitation is being withheld at the time John 6 happened and isn't even employed until Christ is raised up,
That is an absurd argument! Jesus came preaching the gospel calling Jews to repentance immediately after being tested by Satan in the wilderness. What do you imagine Matthew 11:33-35 is if not an invitation. John 3;15-16 is certainly a declaration that any who believes will have eternal life. What do you think Lk. 13:3,6 is? What do you think the very parable of the wedding is? Even you admit it is an invitation. Jesus told the Pharisees that he came to call sinners to repentance. All four gospels are brim full of gospel calls to repent and beleive the gospel and the gospel was preached to ALL or else it could be said "but his own received him not."
Fact: The gospel invitation being withheld from everyone except a few from Israel, and even they don't get it completely, when John 6 is recorded.
Fact: Christ concludes that no one can come unless drawn (invited/enabled -- Paul supports this view in Rom 10)
Fact: Christ doesn't send the gospel invitation until after he is raised up when the disciples are commissioned to go to every creature.
Fact: The same author who wrote John 6 wrote John 12 where he concludes that all men will be drawn to Christ after he is raised.
Conclusion: The powerful, life giving gospel is the means God uses to enable/draw men to himself, not merely inform those who have already been saved.
Nothing but pure spin based upon pure imagination. Why do you think the first four books of the NT are called "Gospels"????? They are brim full of the preachig of the gospel and calling Jews to repentance.
Of course the Father is the drawing power, but through WHAT MEANS DOES HE DRAW?
Your whole interpretation assumes that man is without any internal obstacles but merely needs an invitation. The words "no man can" necessarily infers universal inability more comprehensive than merely being solved by offering an external invitation. Even you own position interprets "hardening" to be more comprehensive than merely an external objective invitation can resolve. However, your limited application is repudiated by the comprehensive call of repentance found throughout the gospels from A to Z in the ministry of Christ.
Some secret, inward, irresistible working that scripture never once names or expounds upon?
That is you spin on scripture! The Bible speaks of it openly and repetitively to those who have eyes to see (Rom. 3:9-18; 7:14-25; 8:7-8; 1 Cor.1:26-31; 2:14; 1 Thes. 1:4-5; 2 Cor. 3:3-6; 4:6; Psa 14:2-3; etc.).
OR the GOSPEL, which is called 'the power of God unto Salvation' and is spoken of countless times as powerful, sharp, God breathed, inspired, given to us by God, etc???
You confuse God with the gospel. The gospel is merely words and comes in "word only" without God outbreathing His power through the gospel. You really don't believe there is any power in the gospel but rather in the will of man as your belief renders the gospel powerless to a resistant will. Hence, it is the will of man that empowers the gospel according to your view.
You seem to want to separate the Father from His chosen means.
Because the scriptures distinguish them. Because the power is in the PERSON of the Father and not in his chosen means. The chosen means have no power until the Father empowers them.
I am not following your argument. The gospel (Christ, cross, death, burial, resurrection, salvation even for Gentiles through faith, etc), is not FULFILLED and SENT until Christ is raised up. That is not my opinion, that is a FACT. Prior to this there is foreshadowing, mystery, prophecy, and such all pointing to Christ, but the gospel wasn't completed and sent until that point in history. That is significant considering how much scripture speaks of the gospels power and significance. You can't just dismiss it and pretend its used just to inform those who have already been saved when scripture never teaches that.
So you don't believe Acts 10:43? So you don't believe Acts 26:22-23 and the words "no other things"? So you don't believe Hebrews 4:2? So you don't believe Galatians 3:8? So you don't believe Jn. 14:6 and the words "no man" as you believe pre-pentecostal people as listed in Hebrews 11:6-41 could come to the Father (Heb. 11:6) by faith without Christ. So you believe there is salvation OUTSIDE of Christ and don't believe Acts 4:12? And the list goes on and on and on! You simply do not know what the gospel is or you would not make such silly statements and dare call them a "fact." What you say is not a "fact" but pure foolish.
The Gospel is summarized in 1 Cor. 15:3-4. The gospel is expanded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The gospel was summarized in Gen. 3;15 prophetically and the progressively expanded throughout the Old testament as in Isaiah 53 until it was historically fulfilled and revealed in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John or the life and death of Christ.
There has never been another gospel, another savior , another way of salvaiton except the gospel of Christ (annointed/messiah) and it is always has been by faith looking forward to the promise to be fulfilled in the life and death of Christ or looking back as fulfilled - Rom. 3:25-26.