All you liberals, infected with an acute case of TDS, really need to think through all the caterwauling, crying and lying you spew forth so viciously!!
Stop and think for just a few minutes (if possible); if all that you accuse Trump of BEING were true, 95% of you wouldn’t be around today to continue this drivel! You would have been eliminated after you voiced your first opposition comment.
None of the characters y’all have called Trump, would never have been this far into his “reign” without disposing of at least 75% of you, BUT, you’re still here with your murmuring! (This word just fits perfectly considering its use in Scripture!)
As for the “enemy of the people”, I’m in total agreement with him. Destroying the freedom of the press??? HA!! They are doing a far better job of accomplishing that than he ever could! That freedom means squat when the majority of the populace has no faith that they are reporting truth, but extremely biased crap under the banner of “FREE PRESS”! With every freedom comes a responsibility to use that freedom judiciously and fairly! This is the total opposite of most the current MSM.
JFTR, I was NOT a Trump supporter to begin with, and even when the election was held my vote for him was more of a vote AGAINST Clinton. However, after seeing this big-mouthed character’s accomplishments begin pouring forth I’ve done a 180 as to my support. Finally a POTUS who truly believes in America AND it’s people in contrast to the beltway politicians – R, I and D; and a great many of the left. (Oh, also he's not afraid of OFFENDING someone/nation/leader/bully!)