James,And yet it was turned into a Calvinist thread not only by the suggestive title, but the second Harold offered what he thought Arminians should say about this, but of course, as usual, when a Calvinist posts a thread about Calvinism it doesn't get moved.
You can go ahead and ban me any day now because this forum is a joke.
I am alarmed that you do not choose to engage, but desire only to make snide remarks that have little foundation.
If anyone should show the lack of mission fervor among Calvinistic thinkers, I would have surmised it to be you.
Can you demonstrate conclusively that mission work and personal witness by Calvinistic thinking folks has not been one of the hallmarks of the history?
Perhaps you have evidence that those who were Calvinistic thinking missionaries were engaged in nothing but fraud and perversion.
There is that you need to understand - which addresses more directly your gripe.
That discussions of theological views disputing or supporting calvinism as opposed to arminianism are assigned to that forum.
That discussions of a thread in which a topic is NOT theological of supporting calvinism as opposed to arminianism are NOT assigned to that forum.
NOT ALL discussions that mention calvinism or arminianism will be moved to that forum.
It is when a comparison between the two as far as doctrine comparisons are made that the move occurs.
Unless I have read the actions of the moderators wrongly, I don't expect this thread to be pushed to the other forum.
But then, as the posts continue - who knows?