Do you know why the wife was kicked out of his church?
Because she dared JM by divorcing her ABUSIVE husband!
The husband was CONVICTED of CRIMES and jailed!
JM knew and even rejected what one of his own Deacons wrote in his report!
Now prove this wrong
The story you linked to proves you wrong. Did you even read it?
The wife was not “kicked out” of the church. Your statement is false. This was church discipline. She had separated from her husband (not divorced.. so again, your statement is proven false), JMac publicly announced to the church that she refused to reconcile with her husband and should be considered an unbeliever.
The husband was convicted of crimes YEARS after this event. The wife stated she did not know of the abuse of the children during this time. So, your suggestion that JMac knew of child sexual abuse and protected this man is proven FALSE by the story you linked to.
This church has elders (not deacons), so your statement is proven false. The elder did not produce a “report” during that time, so your statement is proven FALSE. The elder, in retrospect, some 20 years later, believed the church had not handled this incident correctly and asked JMac and the church to apologize to the woman. JMac disagreed with his suggestion. The elder believed he was correct and separated from the church.
Your statements have been proven false by the story you linked to.
You have been proven wrong.
Now, you should repent of this attempt to slander a godly Christian man over petty disagreements over doctrine.
Shame on you
peace to you