Perhaps the best Bible teacher alive today is John MacArthur. Many of his books are homers, and he has no questionable doctrines. No he is not perfect as some of his books are poorly written, but doctrine is always solid. MacArthur holds fast to Lordship Salvation which he teaches clearly in many of his books, but the most popular books for the teaching are The Gospel According to Jesus, The Gospel according to the Apostles, and Slave. I own all three books and have read all except the Gospel According to the Apostles, which seems too technical and dry.
He differs from traditional Calvinist/Reformed, in that he is also a dispensationalist, and unlike most dispensationalists, he holds to Reformed Soteriology. If you appreciate this man of God please reply.
He differs from traditional Calvinist/Reformed, in that he is also a dispensationalist, and unlike most dispensationalists, he holds to Reformed Soteriology. If you appreciate this man of God please reply.