Some moderators are vulnerable because they dare to bring their view in challenge or support in the threads usually with such documentation that they think is valid.
That others may not agree is great and makes for wonderful threads. However, when participants decidedly attempt to goad someone into a corner, whether it is toward a moderator or a newbie, it is wrong.
When a moderator is involved in a debate, they by default should not expect to be protected by their position anymore or less than any other poster.
Nor should a moderator expect that the title speaks with greater authority, and neither should the participants in a thread in which a moderator posts their views and thoughts.
However, neither should the moderators be in any manner treated disrespectfully, or expected to not respond when a poster crosses the line of charity.
Frankly, there are times when we all may overstate, misstate, or present what is not exact of what another poster's view and statements actually contain. I have, more than once, miss articulated a view of another, and the older I get the more likely things like this will happen.
Such times, when rare, are easily overlooked.
But when such times are purposed, and just mean, then it is time for the authorities of the threads to step in and in my opinion do these things:
1) snip the inappropriate remarks and state why they were snipped.
2) should the poster continue to "rant," publicly warn the poster and suggest they move away from the discussion for a time - to reflect and to cool.
3) should the poster continue, publicly remove privileges from that poster for a time, say a week) that the members of the board may all understand that infractions are not a small slap on the wrist.
4) should the poster return and take up a "rant" they will be removed on a permanent basis.
It all should be public, and not just "banned" shown on a person's name.
That is my opinion, and I am unanimous in that.