The Pope will not and cannot be the Antichrist....... The Pope cannot be the Antichrist, but he could play the role of the false prophet.
Even then it is still speculation. No one knows for sure.
Having read with great interest your take on the question “Are Catholics Saved?” (which thread is on the Baptist Only Theology site), I’ve no doubt you fully understand the significance of what it means to be ‘born again’……unlike too many of the ‘famous’ religious leaders today.
Praise God for your scriptural/spiritual discernment.
I found disconcerting, however, the many views expressed on the thread which have no biblical basis…..merely emotional personal opinion.
The Lord’s Prayer which states
‘deliver us from evil’ is no mere pie in the sky dream.
The Papacy and RCC is that particular evil of which the Lord has warned His flock for 2,000 years.
Deliver them He does. When He calls them out of her, they come out.
As did you.
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”
On the other hand, at this point in time the Lord has not been pleased to reveal the mystery of iniquity to you.
It does not mean He never will.
To date He has not done so as is evident in your numerous posts.
The Good News is the fact that you are not a false prophet with millions of followers.
You are a serious believer in Christ alone whose justification is by faith alone.
Your salvation is not dependent upon your prophetic views.
It need be re-stated that the Mystery of Iniquity has not been a mystery to millions of Christians over the span of 1,000 years.
How so?
It was they who were in the front lines battling the Beast and his locust army.
The Lord did not allow them to go to battle unprepared.
He wrote of the coming Man of Sin aka Antichrist centuries beforehand.
He then revealed his identity and the identity of his false church to those against whom the Antichrist would do battle.
God’s Elect were ready for the fight.
In examining the heresy trial records it soon becomes obvious the so-called heretics were consistent in their view as to the evil nature of the Papacy and his Church.
They knew exactly with whom they were dealing: the predicted Papal Antichrist and Mystery Babylon.
The detailed step-by-step documentation written over the centuries proving the identity of the
Man of Sin aka the
Son of Perdition aka the
Scarlet Beast aka
the Little Horn aka
the Willful King aka
the 8th Head who is also the 7th Head who is also the Beast with the 7 Heads aka
the Antichrist is so plentiful and exact that Christian leaders who teach prophecy are without excuse for their ignorance.
The Mystery of Iniquity is a spiritual mystery.
The mystery of Mystery Babylon is also a spiritual mystery.
The Man of Sin aka Antichrist is all part of the same spiritual mystery.
Arabs are no mystery.
Neither is pagan Rome or Judaism.
The Apostle John was not ignorant of this.
However, he
was ignorant that in the future there would arise out of the city of Rome a professing Christian Church considered to be the one, holy, catholic, apostolic Mother of all churches, yet would be condemned by God as the Great Whore, The Mother of all harlots, who thirsts after the blood of the saints, worldly rich beyond belief, proud and lifted up.
Nor did John know that the head of that apostasy would claim to be a disciple of Christ chosen to lead His universal flock as its Universal Bishop, yet in the same breath oppose Christ’s Gospel, Christ’s teachings and Christ’s doctrines, replacing them with his own false Gospel, false doctrines and perverse traditions.
These truths needed revelation by the Spirit through the messenger angel.
Furthermore, it is no mystery as to how Futurism and Preterism gained its foothold.
The Jesuits were desperate to direct focus off the Papacy and RCC.
They initiated the new interpretations.
With the advent of the printing press much Protestant prophetic literature was being distributed throughout Europe resulting in many eyes being opened as to the fulfillment of the prophetic mysteries in the Papacy and Church of Rome.
Catholics left the RCC in droves.
The Jesuits needed to stem the tide and point the guilt elsewhere.
Today a veil has been draped over the eyes of much of the professing Christian Church, thanks to a duped leadership which both promotes and praises the Papacy and his false Church.
I have given proofs of such duped leadership.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.