Isn't the truth though that if one is right about Jesus, and that one has received Him as their personal lord and saviour, that we still can and do have wrong and erronous beliefs still, such as Billy graham error on the RCC being a true church?
If Graham’s errors were confined to side issues such as mode of baptism, tithing, continuity of spiritual gifts, etc., that would be one thing.
However, that is not the case.
By honoring the legacy of the Pope, Graham denies the fundamental doctrines necessarily attributed to Christian believers.
Either one is for Christ or against Christ.
You cannot have it both ways.
You cannot worship God and Satan.
How many on this board would say with conviction that the Pope is for Christ?
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit; neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
How many on this board would say with conviction that the RC tree bears only good fruit?
The Papacy and RCC repudiate all essential teachings of Christiaty as I have demonstrated numerous times.
Though Graham professes Christian orthodoxy, by aligning himself with the anti-Christian Papacy as friend and advocate, he betrays the very Master he claims to serve.
Either one is for Christ or against Christ.
You cannot have it both ways.
You cannot worship God and Satan.
That DHK refuses to see the obvious is not because it hasn’t been spelled out to him.
Yet he does see a dilemma in the fact that even he would not go so far as to declare the Pope the greatest moral and spiritual leader of the 20th century.
Furthermore, I have given incontrovertible evidence that Graham preaches a false Gospel.
Is it not curious that not one person on this board has cried out in horror that Graham insists there are the saved among non-believers who never place faith in Christ?
I have purposefully used such luminaries as Graham, Rice, Osteen, Robison, Copeland, TBN, Falwell, Robertson, etc. as examples to demonstrate the fact that the professing Christian Church is in dire straits if the so-called ‘anointed leadership’ cannot discern the difference between true Christianity and false Christianity.
I, for one, refuse to be silent on the issue.
Twice-born Christians are new creations having been delivered out of the snares of the Prince of Darkness and translated into the kingdom of Light with a new and holy master, the Lord Jesus Christ.
The omnipotent resurrecting power of God accomplishes this miracle of grace.
And lastly, to know Christ is to know his opposite: Antichrist.
CHRIST: God, who humbled Himself to be man.
ANTICHRIST: Man, who exalts himself to be as God
CHRIST: The Head of the true Church, Christianity.
ANTICHRIST: The head of the false Church, Anti-Christianity.
CHRIST: Worked true miracles by God’s power.
ANTICHRIST: Works lying miracles by Satan’s power.
CHRIST: The Savior who saves His people.
ANTICHRIST: The destroyer who destroys his people.
CHRIST: He shed His own innocent blood for the Elect.
ANTICHRIST: He sheds the innocent blood of the Elect.
CHRIST: The Good Shepherd.
ANTICHRIST: The idol shepherd.
CHRIST: The Seed of the woman.
ANTICHRIST: The seed of the serpent.
CHRIST: He wore a crown of thorns and a scarlet robe.
ANTICHRIST: He wears a triple tiara and scarlet robe.
CHRIST: He was hated and crucified.
ANTICHRIST: He is beloved and worshipped.
CHRIST: He was hung on a cross, an object of loathing.
ANTICHRIST: He worships a cross, an object of veneration.
CHRIST: He seals the Elect in the forehead, invisibly, by the Spirit.
ANTICHRIST: He marks the Reprobates in their foreheads, visibly, with the sign of the cross.
CHRIST: He came not to send peace upon the Earth.
ANTICHRIST: He claims to be a pilgrim of peace upon the Earth.
CHRIST: His kingdom is not of this world.
ANTICHRIST: His kingdom is of the world.
CHRIST: He came from above, Heaven.
ANTICHRIST: He came from the bottomless pit, Hell.
CHRIST: He holds the keys to death and Hell.
ANTICHRIST: He claims to hold the keys to Purgatory, Heaven and Hell.
CHRIST: His words, works and life declared who He was.
ANTICHRIST: His words, works and life declare who he is.
CHRIST: The Scriptures proclaimed him.
ANTICHRIST: The Scriptures warned of him.
CHRIST: He was in the world and the world knew Him not.
ANTICHRIST: He is in the world and the world knows him not.
CHRIST: The unblemished Lamb.
ANTICHRIST: The scarlet-colored Beast.
CHRIST: The High Priest and Mediator of the Elect.
ANTICHRIST: The High Priest (Pontifex Maximus) and Mediator of the Reprobate.
CHRIST: He came to gather and save the scattered flock.
ANTICHRIST: He came to scatter and consume the flock.
CHRIST: The government is upon His shoulders.
ANTICHRIST: Governments rise and fall at his command.
CHRIST: He reigns from spiritual Mt. Zion: Heaven.
ANTICHRIST: He reigns from spiritual Babylon: Rome.
CHRIST: The bright and morning star.
ANTICHRIST: The fallen star, Wormwood.
CHRIST: The mystery of godliness to all but the Elect.
ANTICHRIST: The mystery of iniquity to all but the Elect.
CHRIST: Foreknown to glory.
ANTICHRIST: Foreknown to damnation.
CHRIST: Son of God, Son of man.
ANTICHRIST: Son of perdition, Man of Sin.