Would the typical SBC membership be the examples of
Lee Roberson,
W. A Criswell,
John R. Rice,
J. Harold Smith, ...
Is the typical SBC pastor and leadership of the SBC affiliated schools of the last 70 years (including those who removed themselves from SBC) be in agreement with, and patterned after, the examples of these now passed preachers?
Why was there even a need for a "conservative resurgence" (lead by W. A Criswell) if the SBC was so "conservative?"
These men were grieved that the SBC had lost its moorings and was adrift in the sea of modernism and hypocrisy and that SBC schools were a hotbed of heretical thinking and teaching.
One withdrew from the convention over the modernism. Two established their own institutions of higher learning that some might actually get proper Biblical training rather than the slop of the SBC schools.
Sad that so very many would rather laugh at the warnings, and scorn any indicators of the plight.
What a mess sin has made that folks have so very little desire for the life lived holy and wholly for the Lord.