If the girls had been white, it would likely be considered a hate crime against Asians, given that the Uber driver was Pakistani. Since the perps are black, there is no hate crime. Just kids looking for a joy ride.
No love or respect for human life.
We teach our youths that their ancestors were animals, then they behave like animals. Why should anyone be surprised?
Often thought same, people are taught they are nothing more than beasts of the field, created by evolution. This they are taught through out their public school years.
Scripture even refers to people as like beasts in several places.
Jesus did say, flesh is flesh, and spirit is spirit, you must be born again (spiritually born again so as to be alive in the Spirit)
BibleGateway - Keyword Search: beast
If, in the manner of men, I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantage
is it to me? If
the dead do not rise, “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!”
One of them, a prophet of their own, said, “Cretans
are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.”
But these, like natural brute beasts made to be caught and destroyed, speak evil of the things they do not understand, and will utterly perish in their own corruption,
But these speak evil of whatever they do not know; and whatever they know naturally, like brute beasts, in these things they corrupt themselves.