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Hi Free at last. you stated he took the Lords Name in vain? do you mean he cussed? this is not what it is to take the Lords Name in vain. its much deeper than that. it may help to do a study from Jewish authors as to the meaning of the commandments. i know military chaplains who kinda have a potty mouth. cussing is a kinda superficial way, in my estimation to know if someone is saved or not. i would go deeper. are they attempting to divest themselves with Gods grace, of their sins. are they practicing the law of Love in James. do they love the Bretheren. ok so the person may have a problem with bad language. others have a problem with eating too much. are you going to go up to an overweight person, and tell them they are not saved, because they practice gluttony? goodness, could be a thyroid problem. we really dont know. and maybe someone you confront who is saved has a problem with pride, in which case, they would get a little defensive about your confrontation. you cant know the persons heart. you cannot know their standing with God. the only thing you can do, is to correct something that is not in keeping with Christian Character. there is not one verse in the scriptures that gives you the right, to determine their final destiny. on the contrary, it states to take heed, lest "you" fall. i have enough of my own misdeeds to answer for, before i start making assumptions about others, and where they may or may not be going when they die. :thumbsup:
Hello calvin. No I did not say that he took the Lord's name in vain. I said he used the Lord's name in vain. There is a difference. As to people who are overweight there is no command or guidelines against weight. As for military chaplains and their foul mouth. I can tell you that they are not the standard and those who do that are an open wound. They dishonor the Lord as well as their nation, and just because the military has given them god status does not make them of God. But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. Not everyone who says Lord, Lord, will enter into the kingdom of God. being straight with someone is not seen as a right, but a responsibility. By the way. I have never told anyone what their eternal destiny is. They may repent. I have told some that they are not saved and will continue if the need arises.
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