I was picked for a jury once, but we didn't actually hear the case. We did have to hear those pre-trial speeches in which the attorneys explain what should be so obvious to any thinking person with a sense of justice. But we were asked to go into the jury room and stayed there for hours before being called back in, and the judge announced a plea bargain had been reached. The fact that we were there compelled the case to come to its expedient end, they said. Maybe, but maybe not. Anyway, that was my first time to be summoned, 25 years ago, and I have been called 3 times since, never being picked. One of those was for a municipal jury, and the whole thing lasted 6 minutes before I and most others were dismissed. The last time was a year ago, when I was still on crutches. I don't know if they noticed the crutches and that had to do with me being one of 14 (among 200 or more, in all) who was not even called to a panel; but I have a hunch that was it.