So she could choose to give or exercise to not give the officer her ID according to you.
yes, and when she chose instead to rant about her right, the officer did what was according to his training. he handcuffed her.
So how does this make her behavior one of entitlement?
Because she thinks belonging to a minority group entitles her to refuse a valid request and there's nothing nobody can do about it. She's 'entitled' to deferential treatment. She's one of this country's 'sacred cows', and the officer is picking on her because she's black. read the article, and read her statements, thoroughly, as well as those of her boyfriend.
I think you're a little confused about exercising rights. We haven't chosen to not exercise any rights. we still have our rights. We have chosen to act in a manner pleasing to Christ.
I haven't chosen to not exercise free speech by not cussing. :laugh:
Am I confused ? Then how is handing over to the officer an ID going to negate her right ? How is it not choosing to not exercise her right because it is in compliance with society's goal on peace and order to be enforced by a duly sworn police officer not the same as your choosing not to exercise your right in church because it is an act pleasing to Christ ?
Absolutely. I will stand by you all day when it comes to free speech and the Constitution.
Ha ! I bet you would.
But as a Brother in Christ, I'm gonna pull you back and ask you why your free speech has to go against what Scripture speaks against?
A brother in Christ, eh ? yeah, right.
As a citizen of this country, first, and as a Christian, second, I am now challenging Miss Watts' insistence not to produce an identification when politely requested on the basis that there are laws in California that makes it legal and within constitutional bounds for a peace officer to ask for identification when he feels the situation so warrants.
How is that different from your "why your free speech has to go against what Scripture speaks against?
I like to think that the rules of this board are to keep us in adherence to GOD's word. And I pray that to be the manner in which the moderators moderate.
And I like to think, in a larger scale, that the laws of this country, and the agents that are to enforce that law, are there to keep us in adherence to society's goal of peace and order.
And until it is proven that those who lay their lives on the line 24 hours a day for the law-abiding citizens of this country have overstepped their boundaries, everyone ought to render due respect to them when they request identification.