Think about these Republicans who have refused to back Trump and refuse to vote for him. Here is there theory; we work to get Trump defeated and in four years we will get a new nominee to go against Hillary. What they don;t realize is Trump is not going anywhere if he loses this time. They will have to deal with him again in four years and probably will have to deal with an even stronger candidate in Donald Trump. They didn't think this through. Their best chance to get rid of Trump was to get him elected now and in four years after he bombs the way they believe he will they could wipe him out for good. Now if they succeed in stopping Trump now, they will have to deal with a more powerful Trump again in four years. And these Republicans who have their eye on the Presidency are stuck until trump either wins it and does his time or he falls ill or dies. They are really playing this stupidly. They should have backed him and got it over with.