Dr. Walter
New Member
This is the post (#125) that you assert PROVES your position! I shedded your arguments below in posts #126, 131 and 136. However, I will gladly shred them again:
It is one thing to say the hardening of Pharoah illustration is an "example of the fact that God can harden people for his purpose, SUPPORTING his conclusion that God has hardened 'a lot of Jews" but quite another thing to say that the hardening of Pharoah is an example of the fact that God can harden ONLY JEWS and is RESTRICTED to Jews only.
Your own actual words above are in complete agreement with my position but not your position. My position is that the example of Pharoah is in illustration how God can harden "PEOPLE" (Jews and gentiles) and in specific gentiles such as Pharoah and Jews such as Ishmael and Esau all named in the context that are examples of children born after the flesh rather than the children of promise.
Your position STRAYS from the initial Pauline point in verses 6-8 and line of argument. He is distinguishing the children of promise from those born after the flesh in verses 6-8 to prove that simply election to national privileges (vv. 3-5) do not equate to PERSONAL INDIVIDUAL SALVATION. Romans 9:9-13 further demonstrates this same point by giving examples among JEWS of this very distinction (after the flesh children - Ishmael, Esau; children of promise - Isaac, Jacob). Romans 9:15-18 further demonstrates this point by giving an example among GENTILES of this very distinction. Romans 9:19-23 further demonstrates this same point by giving a UNIVERSAL example of this same distinction including both Jews and Gentiles (v. 24). Your exposition departes from the primary and initial point Paul states in verses 6-8 and continues to illustrate and establish in verses 9-24.
The previous immediate developmental context totally repudiates your departure at this point from the contextual development of Pauls' argument. Verses 6-8 provide the primary distinction of this context. In verses 9-13 the same distinction is illustrated among Jews. In verses 15-18 the same distinction is made among Gentiles and defended. In verses 19-24 the same distinction is made by the combining of both Jews and Gentiles. If you cannot understand this, we are at an impasse, as it is you, not I, that depart from the contextual developmental point established in verses 6-8 and illustrated by Jews (9-13) by gentiles (15-18) and finally by both Jews and Gentiles (vv. 19-24) and if you cannot see that, then you simply are choosing what you want to see rather than the facts of the context.
It is not incorrect reasoning if the immediate preceding context and primary argument of Paul is the basis for exegesis. It does follow logically if you pay attention to the immediate context preceding verses 19-23. It is a GENTILE not a Jew that Paul sets forth as the example of HARDENING. Your position would have required Paul to use either Ishmael or Esau as the examples of hardening if Paul's point is to restrict hardening to Jews only in either Romans 9:15-18 or Romans 9:19-23. He clearly does not but uses a gentile in the very illustration of hardening and clearly includes gentiles in his final illustration that you want to restrict to Jews only (v. 24).
Furthermore, the entire context is talking about INDIVIDUALISM rather than NATIONALISM. He is explicitly repudiating individual salvation based upon NATIONAL ELECTION. It is the Phariseeical position that because I am born into the ELECT NATION with its NATIONAL privileges given to Abraham then I am a child of God. That is the very issue he is repudiating in Romans 9:3-8. The elect national priviledges are stated in verses 3-5 and his repudiation that natural born Jews are the children of God in verses 6-8.
For him to revert to NATIONALISM in verses 9-13 would be to repudiate what he said in verses 6-8. For him to revert to NATIONALISM in verses 9-13 would demand he makes a distinction WITHIN national Israel between the children of Promise and those born after the flesh but then provide absolutely no grounds for distinguishing between the two in verses 9-23.
Romans 9:15-18 again is making INDIVDUAL distinctions between vessels of "mercy" versus vessels of wrath "hardeneth" and it is a GENTILE that is provided as an illustration of a vessel of wrath and hardening. According to your rationale, this should exclude all Jews as objects (vessels) of mercy in Romans 9:15-18 since the illustration is restriced to a gentile as that is exactly the insane rationale you use in verses 19-23.
To argue that the chosen INDIVIDUAL Pharoah is the example of hardening, thus a vessel of wrath in verses 15-18 but excluded as a "vessel of wrath" in verses 19-23 should equally exclude any gentile as a "vessel of mercy" as it is irrational to argue that there are INDIVIDUAL gentiles "vessles of mercy" but no INDIVIDUAL gentiles "vessels of wrath" who have been hardened when the very preceding context explicitly identifies an INDIVIDUAL gentile that was hardened and thus a vessle of wrath.
You are driven from the immediate context and the developmental logic of Paul to take refuge in a imaginary philosophical illustration. Why? Because you cannot prove your position from the context. Why? Because I have shredded every argument you have attempted to read into the context.
However, I also demonstrated the complete irrational basis of this inept illustration. The source of both vessels of wrath and vessels of mercy is THE SAME source - GENERIC HUMANITY.
You responded it is "ALL ISRAEL." However, Paul says that "ALL ISREAL" shall be saved and if this "lump" is "ALL ISRAEL" than obviously "ALL ISRAEL" shall not be saved as there are "vessels of wrath FITTED TO DESTRUCTION out of this lump.
It does not matter how you define "all Israel" whether national ethnic Israel or All the elect because if you define this single source of the both those fitted to destruction and those prepared afore to glory it is evident that NOT ALL ARE SAVED and yet Paul demands that "ALL ISREAL" shall be saved (Rom. 11:26). Thus defined "all Israel" any way you like and it still destroys your philosophical inept irrational analogy.
However, I provided solid contextual evidences from Romans 11:25-28 that "All Israel" is the same "Israel" in verse 25 that is in verse 26 - ethnic Israel. That "all Israel" in verse 26 is the same pronoun "their" and "they" in verses 27-28 who are presently "ENEMIES OF THE GOSPEL" for the sake of GENTILES thus ethnic Israel. Who are also beloved of the Father right now, even as "ENEMIES OF THE GOSPEL" because of election as "all Israel" shall be saved at the second advent of Christ after the fullness of the Gentile elect come in, which again distinguishes them from GENTILES as ethnic Israel living at the second advent who are not yet saved, who are still ENEMIES of the gospel.
I have shredded your irrational unbiblical position into a million shattered pieces of eisgetical and philosophical garbage.
Finally, you claimed that the illustration of the Potter must be restricted to Israel as the Old Testament uses it in regard to Israel! However, Paul's inclusion of Gentiles in verse 24 shreds that argument. The fact that Paul uses a Gentile for illustration of hardening in verses 15-18 would require your kind of logic to deny that hardening applies to Jews since Paul only uses a Gentile to illustrate it! Your arguments are illogical, irrational and motivated not by exegesis but by eisgetical nonsense.
The truth is that the GENTILE illustration of hardening provides a GENERAL truth applicable to both Jews and Gentiles just as the Potter illustration provides a GENERAL truth applicable to both Jews and Gentiles. Why? Because even though Paul is specifically applying it to ethnic Israel, the children of promise and those born after the flesh go far beyond the borders of Judaism (Gal. 4:26-29).
Agree. But again, providing examples of God hardening Pharoah can be used by Paul as an example of the fact that God can harden people for his purposes, supporting his conclusion that God has hardened "a lot of Jews"
It is one thing to say the hardening of Pharoah illustration is an "example of the fact that God can harden people for his purpose, SUPPORTING his conclusion that God has hardened 'a lot of Jews" but quite another thing to say that the hardening of Pharoah is an example of the fact that God can harden ONLY JEWS and is RESTRICTED to Jews only.
Your own actual words above are in complete agreement with my position but not your position. My position is that the example of Pharoah is in illustration how God can harden "PEOPLE" (Jews and gentiles) and in specific gentiles such as Pharoah and Jews such as Ishmael and Esau all named in the context that are examples of children born after the flesh rather than the children of promise.
Your position STRAYS from the initial Pauline point in verses 6-8 and line of argument. He is distinguishing the children of promise from those born after the flesh in verses 6-8 to prove that simply election to national privileges (vv. 3-5) do not equate to PERSONAL INDIVIDUAL SALVATION. Romans 9:9-13 further demonstrates this same point by giving examples among JEWS of this very distinction (after the flesh children - Ishmael, Esau; children of promise - Isaac, Jacob). Romans 9:15-18 further demonstrates this point by giving an example among GENTILES of this very distinction. Romans 9:19-23 further demonstrates this same point by giving a UNIVERSAL example of this same distinction including both Jews and Gentiles (v. 24). Your exposition departes from the primary and initial point Paul states in verses 6-8 and continues to illustrate and establish in verses 9-24.
The fact that the "us" who are vessels of mercy is a group constituted by Jew and Gentiles does not logicallly require us to see the "vessels of destruction" as likewise constituted by Jews and Gentiles.
If you cannot understand this, we are at an impasse.
The previous immediate developmental context totally repudiates your departure at this point from the contextual development of Pauls' argument. Verses 6-8 provide the primary distinction of this context. In verses 9-13 the same distinction is illustrated among Jews. In verses 15-18 the same distinction is made among Gentiles and defended. In verses 19-24 the same distinction is made by the combining of both Jews and Gentiles. If you cannot understand this, we are at an impasse, as it is you, not I, that depart from the contextual developmental point established in verses 6-8 and illustrated by Jews (9-13) by gentiles (15-18) and finally by both Jews and Gentiles (vv. 19-24) and if you cannot see that, then you simply are choosing what you want to see rather than the facts of the context.
But it is simply incorrect reasoning to argue thus:
1. The vessels of mercy contain Jews and Gentiles;
2. Therefore the vessels of destruction contain both Jews and Gentiles.
Point 1 is obviously true - no one is denying that the vessels of mercy contain both Jews and Gentile. But point 2 simply does not follow logically.
It is not incorrect reasoning if the immediate preceding context and primary argument of Paul is the basis for exegesis. It does follow logically if you pay attention to the immediate context preceding verses 19-23. It is a GENTILE not a Jew that Paul sets forth as the example of HARDENING. Your position would have required Paul to use either Ishmael or Esau as the examples of hardening if Paul's point is to restrict hardening to Jews only in either Romans 9:15-18 or Romans 9:19-23. He clearly does not but uses a gentile in the very illustration of hardening and clearly includes gentiles in his final illustration that you want to restrict to Jews only (v. 24).
Furthermore, the entire context is talking about INDIVIDUALISM rather than NATIONALISM. He is explicitly repudiating individual salvation based upon NATIONAL ELECTION. It is the Phariseeical position that because I am born into the ELECT NATION with its NATIONAL privileges given to Abraham then I am a child of God. That is the very issue he is repudiating in Romans 9:3-8. The elect national priviledges are stated in verses 3-5 and his repudiation that natural born Jews are the children of God in verses 6-8.
For him to revert to NATIONALISM in verses 9-13 would be to repudiate what he said in verses 6-8. For him to revert to NATIONALISM in verses 9-13 would demand he makes a distinction WITHIN national Israel between the children of Promise and those born after the flesh but then provide absolutely no grounds for distinguishing between the two in verses 9-23.
Romans 9:15-18 again is making INDIVDUAL distinctions between vessels of "mercy" versus vessels of wrath "hardeneth" and it is a GENTILE that is provided as an illustration of a vessel of wrath and hardening. According to your rationale, this should exclude all Jews as objects (vessels) of mercy in Romans 9:15-18 since the illustration is restriced to a gentile as that is exactly the insane rationale you use in verses 19-23.
To argue that the chosen INDIVIDUAL Pharoah is the example of hardening, thus a vessel of wrath in verses 15-18 but excluded as a "vessel of wrath" in verses 19-23 should equally exclude any gentile as a "vessel of mercy" as it is irrational to argue that there are INDIVIDUAL gentiles "vessles of mercy" but no INDIVIDUAL gentiles "vessels of wrath" who have been hardened when the very preceding context explicitly identifies an INDIVIDUAL gentile that was hardened and thus a vessle of wrath.
Suppose that there was a scientist who discoverd how to make a medecine out of the dead bodies of a certain sub-class of male flies in order to give that medecine to all female flies and the rest of the male flies (the ones not in that first sub-class) to save that second set of flies (female and male) from extinction. This is a possible scenario.
And it could be said that that the first subset of male flies are "vessels of destruction" and that all females and the rest of the male flies are "vessels of mercy".
This proves, yes proves, that the fact that one group - the vessels of mercy - contain both Jews and Gentiles does not logically require that the vessels of destruction contain both Jew and Gentile.
Now you have a right to choose to believe otherwise, but that would not be a defensible position to take.
I have just proven this reasoning to be incorrect.
You are driven from the immediate context and the developmental logic of Paul to take refuge in a imaginary philosophical illustration. Why? Because you cannot prove your position from the context. Why? Because I have shredded every argument you have attempted to read into the context.
However, I also demonstrated the complete irrational basis of this inept illustration. The source of both vessels of wrath and vessels of mercy is THE SAME source - GENERIC HUMANITY.
You responded it is "ALL ISRAEL." However, Paul says that "ALL ISREAL" shall be saved and if this "lump" is "ALL ISRAEL" than obviously "ALL ISRAEL" shall not be saved as there are "vessels of wrath FITTED TO DESTRUCTION out of this lump.
It does not matter how you define "all Israel" whether national ethnic Israel or All the elect because if you define this single source of the both those fitted to destruction and those prepared afore to glory it is evident that NOT ALL ARE SAVED and yet Paul demands that "ALL ISREAL" shall be saved (Rom. 11:26). Thus defined "all Israel" any way you like and it still destroys your philosophical inept irrational analogy.
However, I provided solid contextual evidences from Romans 11:25-28 that "All Israel" is the same "Israel" in verse 25 that is in verse 26 - ethnic Israel. That "all Israel" in verse 26 is the same pronoun "their" and "they" in verses 27-28 who are presently "ENEMIES OF THE GOSPEL" for the sake of GENTILES thus ethnic Israel. Who are also beloved of the Father right now, even as "ENEMIES OF THE GOSPEL" because of election as "all Israel" shall be saved at the second advent of Christ after the fullness of the Gentile elect come in, which again distinguishes them from GENTILES as ethnic Israel living at the second advent who are not yet saved, who are still ENEMIES of the gospel.
I have shredded your irrational unbiblical position into a million shattered pieces of eisgetical and philosophical garbage.
Finally, you claimed that the illustration of the Potter must be restricted to Israel as the Old Testament uses it in regard to Israel! However, Paul's inclusion of Gentiles in verse 24 shreds that argument. The fact that Paul uses a Gentile for illustration of hardening in verses 15-18 would require your kind of logic to deny that hardening applies to Jews since Paul only uses a Gentile to illustrate it! Your arguments are illogical, irrational and motivated not by exegesis but by eisgetical nonsense.
The truth is that the GENTILE illustration of hardening provides a GENERAL truth applicable to both Jews and Gentiles just as the Potter illustration provides a GENERAL truth applicable to both Jews and Gentiles. Why? Because even though Paul is specifically applying it to ethnic Israel, the children of promise and those born after the flesh go far beyond the borders of Judaism (Gal. 4:26-29).
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