Think of it this way, Evan. (these are illustrations and not intended to change the subject):
John MacArthur teaches that wine in biblical times had the alcohol boiled out or it was mixed with 3 parts water so as to consist of about 1.8% alcohol (60% less than most of today’s beers and hard beverages). It is, therefore, drinking in excess (as it was in biblical times when people drank undiluted wine) to drink alcoholic beverages today. Christians who drink do so out of an abuse of “Christian liberty” and to the displeasure of God (Christians and Alcohol, Interrogating Alcohol).
MacArthur teaches this as a theological issue, one of setting aside one’s own desires in order to please God. You disagree with his teaching here. Do you think that because of MacArthur’s interpretation and theology on this issue he has nothing of value to offer the Church?
John Calvin adamantly rejected baptism as an ordinance for those who have professed faith in Christ. He justified the practice of baptizing infants into the church through both covenantal theology and his ecclesiological views. As Baptists, we reject this part of Calvin’s theology. Does this mean that Calvin has nothing to offer the Church?
What about John Wesley? You disagree with his soteriology, yet God used Wesley greatly. Whitefield even commented in admiration of Wesley’s faith. Should we, if we disagree with his soteriology, also dismiss anything that he might have contributed?
MacArthur holds to Dispensationalism, Sproul to Covenant theology, and Piper to neither. Which two should we outright reject and ignore?
Take the doctrines of these men and examine them in light of Scripture, not in light of what another person thinks of their work. Learn not only what you find as true, but also learn through the reasons these men arrived at some of the things you find as error (sometimes it is in reaction to the world in which they found themselves).
Those who have not read Karl Barth, N.T. Wright, and all those John’s - John MacArthur, John Calvin, John Wesley, John Knox, John Gill, John Owen, John Edward, John Murray, John Piper, John Webster, ….JonC....

……offer only hearsay and gossip.