church mouse guy said:
Let's look at the facts.
It is true that there is no public information that Iraq had anything to do with Nine Eleven. Who said that they did?
So, we are in agreement with this point. Okay, so would you not agree that we should be focusing on Afghanistan?
It was not just the GOP that said that there were WMDs in Iraq. Clinton and most Democrats were saying the same thing. Tenet is a Democrat and he claimed that also. Of course, it was a mistake to leave Democrats in high places when Bush was sworn in but Bush tried to placate the Democrats after Gore sued unsuccessfully over the election. Tenet should have been fired long before Nine Eleven and on Nine Twelve for sure.
Yes, but it was the current POTUS who decided that we should invade Iraq. Do you remember why we invaded? As the radio-talk-show host Lionel has noted: this is not a case of "we didn't find the amount we originally believed," this is a case of "we didn't find anything at all." Think about that: nothing. Yet we have invaded and now we are stuck there.
We are not stuck in a quagmire. The American soldier is the greatest soldier in the history of the world. These savages that we are fighting can be destroyed easily if necessary. Roosevelt lost more men in one day several times during WW II than we have lost in all our time in Iraq.
This is a quagmire whether or not you want to believe it. We are now in a position where we can't stay, and we can't leave. Notice that the "Coalition of the Willing" is leaving the country.
Syria and Iran are part of the problem in Iraq and always have been.
Nope, not true - when there was a despot in control, they were not even an issue.
Our troops are spread thin because we do not withdraw them from Europe and because the West is in the process of committing suicide (Read Suicide of the West), BiR.
If you are referring to the book by James Burnham, I read that book YEARS ago, when I was a hard-core right-wing conservative (back in college in the early '90's). As I recall, I was not that impressed, even then.
We need to get serious about this situation and if necessary attack Syria and Iran.
This will be the worst possible outcome, although I predicted that this would be the push in 2006. I may be a year premature. I guess that you want to unite the entire Muslim population against us.
You blame Bush for sending in more troops but the levels are not any higher than they have been before.
Not exactly, I blame him for getting us into this mess in Iraq. When we invaded Afghanistan, I was on board with him on that one. He lost me when we invaded Iraq.
Also, Bush lost the election and part of the Democrat plan was to either put in more troops (safety in numbers--the Powell doctrine used in Gulf Storm) or cut and run. Ultimately, the Democrats seemed poised to campaign on cut and run in 2008 with a Mormon leading in the Senate and an ultra-leftist leading in the House.
Pelosi is
NOT an ultra-leftist, and as a self-identified leftist, I would know more about that than you. If you want to find an ultra-leftist, I suggest you read something by Ginsburg, Chomsky, or Zinn. Stop listening to Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly or whichever source you are getting this nonsense, and think for yourself.
Come on CMG, you're better than this.
I tell you, BiR, you should pray for the President and the Vice-President
I do pray for them, every single day.
....because if they were unable to serve for whatever reason the Speaker of the House would be more communist than Fidel Castro and more looney than Hugo Chavez. Wake up and smell the latte!
This is abject fatuity. You don't truly understand the left, as evidenced by this statement. To compare the Speaker of the House to Castro or Chavez is intellectual dishonesty, nothing more.
Come on CMG, you're better than this.
Despite this, I trust that you and yours are doing well - the weather here is incredible,