Of course nations does mean the nation state, which has existed for millenia. The Bible is inerrant and if God's Word says nation it means nation.
Since God didn't write the Bible in English (including King James English), we need to look to the Greek word behind "nation." It means people group (ἔθνη is the actual word), not a political entity. So God's word is true and your misunderstanding of it is false.
The goal of the Great Commission is to make disciples of entire nations.
Not if you are using the power or influence of the government to do it. On a practical level, it doesn't work. On the level of the New Testament teaching, it is heresy.
However, there is an institution established by God to fulfill the Great Commission... that's the church. We should not confuse the work of the church and the state.
To disciple the people therein and to produce a Christian state made up of Christians.
There is no such thing as a "Christian state" in a biblical sense. There are plenty of nations that have attempted those very things and it has always harmed the church and the witness of Jesus.
Theocracy is a government administered by Pastors and Elders. Big difference between that and Christians leading a nation.
Pastors and Elders are not Christians? More seriously, there is nothing wrong and many things right with Christians serving in leadership in a nation. But serving in that fashion doesn't give them the authority from God to use the power of the government to presume to advance the Kingdom of God.
Correct, we are not asking the U.S government to support Christ. We are proclaiming, ordering, and telling the U.S Government that Christ is King, He is on the Throne and they must submit to Christ.
That can certainly happen without opening each Congressional session with prayers.
Not sure what this has to do with anything.
It is a basic principle of government that there are consequences for not obeying the laws established by the lawmakers. These consequences eventually involve the use of force, even up to the death of the one who violates the laws. That is what has been called "the power of the sword" for hundreds of years. I am simply referring to that basic reality. Of course, if you don't understand that reference, that would explain why you don't understand why this is a big deal.
Nobody is telling anybody to pickup a sword and start killing pagans.
Not yet. However, human history has a lot of examples of that sort of thing.
1. Were the Puritans Anti-Christ?
Their state churches they established were.
The Massachusetts Bay Colony persecuted Baptists - imprisoning, beating, and exiling them for worshiping in a different way. That's basic Baptist history. They also persecuted Quakers and other religious groups that did not align completely with the Congregational Church.
2. ...A government cannot prop up the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God exists presently and we are ordered by Christ himself to inform the nations and have the nations and people therein submit to Him.
I agree.
The U.S Government is already founded on the Bible via Common Law.
There is no denying that the Bible had a great influence on English Common Law, since the church and state were merged. Of course, the Church of English had all sorts of issues and non-biblical practices, and they didn't mind executing Christians who deviated from them. And, you must remember, the Church of English broke from the Roman Catholic Church because Henry VIII wanted a divorce.
But while there was a heavy influence upon Common Law in the colonies that became the U.S., there were other influences from the Enlightenment, John Locke, Baptist and Methodist influences for separation of church and states, as well as numerous other sources.
So it is a gross overstatement to claim that the U.S. Government was "founded on the Bible via Common Law." It doesn't stand up to the slightest unbiased historical scrutiny.
The question is not whether a government will promote a set of values. The question is what set of values will the government promote. Christ wants us to promote God's set of values.
I need to bring your attention to an important distinction - the gospel of Jesus is not a set of values. It is something far greater, broader, and deeper.
Christ does not want us to promote morality at the expense of a calling into the Kingdom of God. Humankind can't live up to the Law in our own strength, so we have to engage with God's grace offered to us in the Kingdom for transformation. Promoting morality (presumably through public praying in Congress?) is just a new legalism that leads to death.
Christian Nationalists are far better than pagans. They know the truth and are spreading the truth...
Jesus and the New Testament writers disagree with you. And Jesus is the Final Judge. Christian nationalists claim they can see and they are more blind than pagans.
...despite defeatists Christians that say otherwise.
I'm not sure who you identify as "defeatists Christians." Perhaps those who have followed Christ's command to "crucify themselves" and to "take up their crosses" in discipleship to the One Who has already defeated the evil one? Disciples of Jesus are not ruled by fear nor a need to control other people. They don't seen God as an idol that has to be put back in His "rightful" place in government, or need the nation to see our religious exercises. They are called to love people, announce the present reality of the Kingdom of God, and to prophetically confront government figures (even Trump) and those who presume to be religious leaders who attempt to lead people astray.
If that's a "defeatist," then that's what you should be too.
If they were to move one step towards Theonomy I'd be in complete agreement with them, but Christian Nationalists are still better than the alternative of satanic secularism.
Why are you so afraid of "satanic secularism" if you are aligned with Christ? There's nothing to fear. Tell the truth and let the power of God work through your Christian influence, not human power.
Fine with me if God judges Christians for doing what God told us to do in the Great Commission. We'll likely be judged and get one of the crowns.
You better reread your New Testament, since that's not going to happen. It will be worse for you after this exchange, since I have given you more information and you are responsible for how you handle it.
No, Kevin McCarthy should pray in public and live his faith in public just like all other Christians should.
Sure, I agree. But he is not "just like all other Christians" when he is part of the government and feels the need to use his position to undermine the gospel witness with his actions -- actions that Jesus rejected.
Christian morality and faith should be proclaimed throughout the nation. It is Christ or Chaos and currently our nation has chose Chaos.
What a surprise. Lost people are acting like they are lost. What is truly surprising is that self-professed Christian are rejecting the teachings of Christ and increasing the chaos.
Time to go back to Christ. Christians need to quit hiding their light under a bushel with their "private morality".
I agree. Of course, you are the only one who has used the phrase "private morality." If you are using that as a counter to using the House Chamber as a pulpit to violate the spirit and teaching of Christ, then you are not talking about morality at all.
There's no communicating with the lost other than "Repent or die an eternal death".
Maybe not for you. But Jesus had quite a bit of success engaging with people, as did Paul, the rest of the apostles, and the early church. I also do quite well with evangelism, although it has gotten much harder in the last seven years.
That's all the communication you need. No need to sugarcoat the Gospel...
No sugarcoating here, but I also don't make them try to choke down a hateful spirit, hypocrisy, and the arrogance of contemporary right-wing politics.
...no seeker sensitive junk, nothing but God's holy Word.
I wish you would actually engage with the scripture instead of just telling me how great you think it is. I have quoted the teachings of Jesus to you and you have ignored them. Stop "thumpin" your Bible and put down your gun, open the pages of the New Testament and led the Spirit teach you.[/quote]