One of the problems with your position is that it could be inferred that prior to AD 70, the time that you think the Kingdom started and Jesus returned to rule and reign is that from Adam until AD70 Jehovah was not the total sovereign of the universe or at best not exercising that power. I would argue that God is and always has been the all powerful sovereign and is immersed in every detail of creation. The kingdom of Christ is something different and believe it or not the Bible gives us a lot of details about that kingdom, most of those details are not evident to this observer.
Nowhere in the Bible is there mention of a covenant of grace or works or redemption. While it is true that redemption is available to sinful man and grace is the means by which we receive redemption, the Bible does not teach that Jehovah made any covenant of grace/works/redemtion. If there were such a covenant you would be pointing out this covenant and also educating me on just exactly how you are keeping that covenant. Also, I noticed that you are not spelling out how you personally keep the commandments of God either. Why, shy?
Have you never read Hebrews? The entire book is a description of the New Covenant. If you do not believe in the Covenant described therein, then to what is the writer referring, if not to a literal Covenant between God and man?