HMMMM............can't QUITE do it....Even though I am in 95% agreement with them. They speak a lot about this being only the result of the personal result of God being the one who individually governs the lives of a regenerate person....but, from what I read....they seem to speak a little too much about "creedalism" for the church, and it frightens me. My own father-in-Law knows Rushdoony quite well as he was a major witness in some court-cases in Nebraska about Church-Schooling and what-not...
My father-in-law was the associate pastor of the Baptist Church the State shut-down..........
But, I am thinking I have to break just a tad from them here....and I REALLY only mean a "TAD".
For one....this is obviously a "Reformed-Only" kind of group....
and Second: They speak a little too much of creedalism to me
Except for that...I agree with them completely...
Somehow or another, this is also a "Dispensationalist vs. Pre-terist" thread....which I have no interest in discussing....except that it seems that the "Pre-terist" or at least "A-Millenial" side of the equation has a view about this which is inextricably related....
Truth is...your "Theonomy and reconstruction guys"......would get a ton more traction if they weren't (seemingly) so indebted to their eschatology. I otherwise agree with them...that, and their tendency towards "creedalism"....Good questions though. :thumbs: :type: What do you say????
I found Sam Waldrons article helpful. I also have sadly mixed feelings about these men. I like alot of what they write and discuss....but they always seem to go two steps further than I would go, and they do have some clear error and wrong thinking.
So what is the result?
Most read a little bit from them ,or listen to their ideas and reject them wholesale, rather than take the time to chew the meat and spit out the bones.
As far as eschatology....I have said many times that I am in between post-mill and my understanding.{ whatever calendar on endtimes is the right one is alright with me}
The last few years ...I find that I am drawn to the postmill side, in that they constantly speak about holiness of life , and trying to bring the gospel to the unsaved, in every sphere of life.
Some of the other views I believe to be guilty of WORLD FLIGHT which as I see it is exceedingly sinful.
Another unfortunate side effect is that very view will take the time to read and sift through some of the ideas offered and offer biblical correction.
I give you credit for at least being well read in many areas of theology and life.[ case in point, the other day you referenced from ezekiel...those who have a whore's forehead and yet were not ashamed!..good verse, many do not even know the verse much less the content, or how you used it:thumbs:]
I think the church in general is not well read, and consequently falls short of raising the bar on how we in our day attempt to live the christian life.
40 The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master.
When I posted this thread it was not a trick, or to "bait"people. I think this is a crucial area of life for each of us to consider.Much of my time spent meditaing as I drive is on these issues so I was looking forward to some biblical feedback. We clash sometimes but I know you are capable of coming up with some solid ideas and posts.
When I quote a solid contemporary writer like Pastor Gentry......even if someone does not hold his view on endtimes...if the truth be known...he would slice and dice many ill equipped persons who are shallow in their outlook-[he is a gifted and graceful person, so he would not demean anyone that way, but would try and point them back to scripture.]
But what I am getting at is...if you read his writing,and the solid verses offered, you are pressed to consider what he offers, and if you do not agree, give a biblically well reasoned response.
I was originally taught the dispy premill teaching and used to offer up the classic position to try and defend what I was told was -the truth!
I have no desire to attack any who hold that view unless they do so with an ignorant ,unscriptural approach yet think they have it all.
I am not worried about confessions, and some who become hyper- confessional. That can be a danger for some. I value the word of scripture so far above the tools that we use, that it is not a danger to me.
I like all the "tools' and those who start there, because they for the most part desire to remain immersed in scripture. Sometimes I have observed that they go hyper-confessional if in the flesh they are trying to impress other men with their staunch confessional stance.Do you see what i am saying.
Except for that...I agree with them completely...
Somehow or another, this is also a "Dispensationalist vs. Pre-terist" thread....which I have no interest in discussing
well again...I am looking more for how do we occupy until he comes? whatever view a person has, how does it influence them by day, when they speak to others, when they work, when they meet strangers, when they fellowship?
What are your thoughts on world flight???
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