Well, take a look at these "intimidating" charts!
NASB: Jesus KJV: He....36 times
NASB: Jesus KJV:him...16 times
NASB: Jesus KJV: his...1 time
NASB: Spirit of Jesus KJV: Spirit...1 time
NASB: Christ Jesus KJV: Christ 5 times
NASB: Jesus KJV this.....1 time
NASB: Jesus Christ our Lord KJV {OMIT} 2 times
NASB: Jesus KJV {OMIT} 2 times
That's a total of 64 times the KJV removed the word Jesus
Now, taking that with your total of 64, and it looks like we break even doesn't it.
NASB "Jesus" KJV "He"
Matt 5:1, Matt 8:24, Matt 9:1,
Matt 10:1, Matt 12:48, Matt 13:11,
Matt 13:24, Matt 13:52, Matt 15:10,
Matt 15:39, Matt 22:34, Matt 24:34,
Matt 26:20, Matt 26:45, Mark 1:35,
Mark 2:27, Mark 4:38, Mark 6:1,
Mark 6:45, Mark 7:24, Mark 9:1,
Luke 4:42, Luke 5:16, Luke 5:34,
Luke 6:17, Luke 7:15, Luke 8:22,
Luke 11:1, Luke 11:27, Luke 18:35,
Luke 19:11, Luke 19:40, Luke 19:45,
Luke 20:3, Luke 20:3, Luke 20:17,
Luke 22:8
NASB Jesus KJV him
Matt 9:10(2nd), Matt 12:10, Matt 12:22,
Matt 17:14, Matt 19:3, Matt 20:20,
Matt 22:23, Matt 26:16, Mark 1:30,
Mark 1:40, Mark 8:22, Mark 10:2,
Mark 10:35, Mark 12:18, Luke 8:24,
KJV on left, NASB on right
John 4:40 him Jesus
Acts 3:16 his Jesus
Acts 10:48 the Lord Jesus Christ
Acts 18:25 the Lord Jesus
Acts 16:7 Spirit Spirit of Jesus
Acts 24:24, Romans 8:34, Gal 5:24,
Eph 3:6, Col 4:12 Christ Christ Jesus
Rom 8:11 Christ Christ Jesus
Acts 9:20 Christ Jesus
Acts 9:22 this Jesus
Heb 7:24 this man Jesus
Romans 1:4, Jude 1:25 [not present] Jesus Christ our Lord
Matt 16:1, John 19:17 [not present] Jesus
NASB Jesus KJV this man...1 time
source: http://www.kjv-only.com/jesusnew2.html
You think maybe there is the name Jesus in a verse or two ahead that clarifies the "He" in those verses.
Why not we just get write the book out in the original form without chapter and verse if we really want what the early church had, all was one continuous writting with no chapters and verses. By the way the very first verse you list Matthew 5:1 says He, Matthew 4:23 let you know who the He is so now you can go back and understand the Matthew 4:23And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people says that the "He" in 5:1 is Jesus. Do we need to help you find the clarifying portions on all of it.
You can find fault in things you don't like, most people do that with folks they dislike, why not find what you like good about it and quit being so negative. We get it you don't like the KJV, I was raised reading it and still like it, you use what you like.
What I see is people finding fault with God's word whatever translation it is, I have found a discrepency in the NIV and to me it is makes no sense sonce I learned the verses with the KJV but I know many who use it that is their preference. I am not a KJVO person I use for personal preference. All translations have their good and bad points but with a little effort one can find what the scripture is saying. Study means you have to dig a little, reading is just that reading and not necessarilly caring about the meaning of what you read.