Not sure, but perhaps the answer is in the italicized words in the KJV -- you know -- the ones they had to insert that were not in the original text to make it readable. :laugh:
Ah yes, the words that the Holy Spirit forgot when He inspired the greek/hebrew originals to us!
In doing a translation of any document from any other language, into English, isn't it necessary to do a lot of things to make it "readable"? French to English, for example, isn't word for word in the exact order presented. (If memory serves. It's been a l-o-n-g time since I studied high school French.)
I know I'm probably an odd-ball these days, but I don't see anything to joke about here. Especially, with the implication embedded in the joke and the reflection on God's word. FWIW, I feel the same way when someone treats the NIV (example) that contains God's word, in the same manner.
Both of you know, or should know, that the "originals" don't exist and didn't exist when the KJB, or any other modern version, was authored. Both of you know, or should know, that the same manuscripts were not used for the KJB and the other versions mentioned. Both of you know, or should know, the translation method/approach used by the translators can affect word usage.
Naturally, the number of times an individual word appears will be different and for valid reasons.
FWIW, I do enjoy a good joke. Laughter is often good medicine.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I equate joking about the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and/or the Father to making fun of the victum of a brutal attack. Every time I see this kind of sarcasim, in my mind's eye, I see the beaten body of our Saviour hanging on the cross. Instead of laughing, I want to cry.